Godly homes in an ungodly world takes an in-depth look into subjects that are affecting the home like: dating, marriage, divorce, and the roles of each person in the home. This series is designed specifically to encourage our homes to truly glorify God.
Godly Homes: Challenges Facing the Home
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
"For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." Ephesians 5:31
Welcome to our study of "Godly Homes in an Ungodly World." In a day and age where the home is being threatened and attacked on every avenue, we want today to offer help and hope to the godly home. It can
maintain its faithfulness, integrity, and be a home that's going to bring honor and glory to Almighty God.
Our homes today are facing a host of challenges.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
The Act of Marriage
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
“And the Lord God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. Therefore, He made a helper comparable to him,” Genesis 2:18.
Welcome to our study of godly homes in an ungodly world. We live in a world where sin is rampant, where the home is being threatened and attacked from every avenue and every way, and Satan is trying to have his
way in the home with one of the most fundamental relationships God made from the beginning. In this series of lessons, we're thinking about how the Bible teaches us, that we can have a godly modeled home in a world that is often ungodly.
In this lesson, we're talking about specifically what marriage is and the act and the purpose of marriage. What makes a marriage? What is the action of marriage? What is God's purpose for marriage? Why did God
create marriage? If we understand those things that can help us so much in understanding marriage.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
God's Laws for Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
Matthew 19:6, Jesus said, “Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man put asunder.”
Welcome to our study of Godly homes in an ungodly world. In today's lesson, we're thinking about God's laws on marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Preparing for a Successful Marriage
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
The Bible says in Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”
Welcome to our study of godly homes in ungodly world. In this lesson, we're thinking about how to have a successful marriage preparation and taking the right steps for a successful marriage- a marriage that will
last and a marriage that will honor God where both people are happy and healthy and trying to get to heaven as our ultimate goal.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Date and Marry A Christian
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
"O magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together." Psalm 34:3
Welcome to our study of "Godly Homes in an Ungodly World." In this lesson, we're thinking about a very important subject as it relates to the home and marriage. That is the subject of dating, engagement, and the
marriage covenant that two people enter into.
Priority number one in dating should be to date and marry a Christian. Choosing a Christian mate is a premier decision in successfully seeking first God's kingdom, Matthew 6:33. That ought to be the goal and the mindset of every child of God.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Godly Husbands
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
"And you fathers do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4
Welcome to our study of Godly Homes in an Ungodly World. In this lesson, we're thinking about the wonderful role of the godly father, godly husband, and godly man in the home, and what an important role that is.
The world often tries to look at the role differently than God, but we need men today, who will step up and be real leaders in the home and think about everybody's spiritual interest.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Godly Wives
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
The Bible says “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised,” Proverbs 31:30.
Welcome to our study of the godly wife. As we think in this series of lessons about godly homes in an ungodly world, we're thinking about the role of the Christian wife in the home and how important that is, and what a pivotal part she plays in the home today.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Godly Children in the Home
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
"Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right." Ephesians 6:1.
Welcome to our study of godly homes in an ungodly world. Today we're thinking about the role and responsibility of children in the godly home, and what an important role they do play as well as their parents.
What's the responsibility and what's the role of children in the home?
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)