In the days of Israel, God had made a promise to His people that if
they would not stop their idolatry; He was going to send them away into
Babylonian captivity. In accordance with His promises, God did just that.
He also promised to bring them out of that captivity into a wonderful
restoration, based on the word of God. It's that restoration in Nehemiah
chapter eight that we're going to be thinking about today that parallels
what's necessary for a Christian and his life to be restored to almighty God.
We want to encourage you to get your Bible, have it ready as we're
going and open it to Nehemiah chapter eight as we're going to study this
wonderful text, about the right heart that isn't necessary, for restoration with
Almighty God.
Let's turn our attention to the predicament that Israel finds itself in
under the Old Testament. In Jeremiah Chapter 25 and in Jeremiah 29, God
had made the promise to His people that if they did not amend their ways, if
they did not stop their idolatry; God was going to send them into 70 years
of harsh captivity under the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon.
Israel didn't stop, and as a result they went into harsh captivity. Along with
the promise of captivity, God also made the promise and Isaiah 44:28 and
Isaiah 45:1 that once that 70 years was up, God would bring His people out
of that captivity. According to His promise, by the hand of Cyrus, in the year
536 God did just that. It is this process of coming back to God, began was
Cyrus working through Ezra and Nehemiah. They restored worship; they
restored the temple. They restore their hearts to a right place with God.
In Nehemiah chapter eight, where we're going to be studying today,
there are some ingredients or some steps that are necessary to getting our
heart right and to be restored with God like we ought to.
Think about your relationship, each of us to think about our
relationship with God and let's make sure that we're in the right place and
restored to where we need to be with Almighty God. If not, let's consider
what this text teaches us is necessary.
Look in your Bible in Nehemiah Chapter Eight. Nehemiah 8:1 says,
‘When the seventh month came, the children of Israel were in their cities.
Now all the people gathered together as one man, in the open square that
was in front of the water gate and they told Ezra the scribe to bring the Law
of Moses which the Lord had commanded Israel.’ Here you've got such an
important and necessary step. If we're going to have restoration, I've got to
be united with God and His people. To have a restored heart to God,
you've got to be one; you've got to be unified. You've got to want unity with
God and His people.
This is so practical and so fresh, on the mind of the Israelites
because for years they had been divided, over spiritual matters. The
kingdoms had been divided, the Northern Kingdom and its tribes and the
Southern Kingdom and its tribes, and then you have a remnant that’s
holding true to the scripture. You also have a whole bunch of adulterous
people. They've been splintered and divided for a long time and yet the
captivity helped them to realize, they needed to be one with each other and
one with God. If restoration is really going to take place, God's people must
have a heart for unity. We must want that oneness with others and that
oneness that God can give us that unity that we can have with God.
In the Bible God has always wanted His people to have unity. Listen
to Psalm 133:1. The Psalmist says, ‘behold how good and how pleasant it
is, for brethren to dwell together in unity.’ Does God want His people
divided? No, God wants His people united. Did you think about the two
words there that are used? Unity is both good and pleasant. There are
some things that are good but aren't pleasant and then there's some things
that are pleasant, but aren't good. Let me illustrate. There are some things
that are good, meaning that they're good for you. One the doctor is good,
getting the flu shot might be good but would you say that's pleasant? No,
not really. Then there are some things that are pleasant, enjoyable but not
necessarily beneficial. Candy for every meal, a chocolate pie for every
meal might be pretty pleasant but is it good for you? No, now think about
unity. Unity is good, beneficial, helpful, and pleasant. It's enjoyable. It's
something every person should strive for in this life.
We're told in Ephesians 4:3, to keep the unity of the spirit, spiritual
unity and the bond of peace. 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul came down hard on
the church in Corinth because there were divisions among them. Paul said,
‘Let there be no divisions among you.’ What's so powerful about unity? Do
we realize that there's great strength in unity? I want you to listen to a
passage, in the book of Ecclesiastes that helps us to understand this idea.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 the Bible says, ‘Two are better than one because they
have a good reward for their labor, for if they fall one will lift up his
companion but woe to him who is alone when he falls. He has no one to
help him up. Again if two lie down together, they will keep warm but how
can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two
can withstand him and a threefold cord, is not quickly broken.’ I can
understand the strength and unity based off these principles and these
If you take just one pencil, it is pretty easy to break that one pencilbut if you take that pencil and you multiply it and let's say you had 10
pencils with a rubber band around it, it is very hard to break that. Why?
There's strength and there's power in unity. There's strength in numbers
and that unity creates strength. We can encourage, uplift, and help one
Another powerful aspect of humanity is unity actually proves to the
world that Jesus is the son of God. Jesus prayed for it in John 17:20-21. ‘I
pray that they all may be one, as you Father are in Me and I you that they
also may be one in us.’ Now listen to the reason: ‘that the world may
believe that you sent me.’ What does unity express? Unity between
believers in Christ, Christians, is a powerful exclamation point to
Christianity itself, it proves to the world. We'll stand up and do what's right
no matter what because Christ is truly our all in all.
When we think about having biblical restoration and the idea there in
of being restored to God correctly, we've got to be diligent to strive to
possess spiritual unity. That comes from following the oneness that God
has set in the scripture. There is one Lord, one faith, one body, one
baptism, and one God and father above all. All the ones that are mentioned
in Ephesians 4:4-6, are necessary if we're going to have unity. God wants
us to in the scripture.
I want to direct your attention to another ingredient that is necessary
for biblical restoration found in Nehemiah 8:2-3.’ Ezra the priest brought the
Law before the assembly of men and women and all who could hear with
understanding, on the first day of the 7th month. Then he read from it in the
open square that was in front of the Watergate, from morning until midday
before the men and the women and those who can understand,’ listen to
this, ‘and the ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.’
Friend what ingredient is necessary, for biblical restoration to take place?
There has to be a desire for unity-unity with God's creation and unity with
There also has to be an attentive heart to the Law of God. They told
Ezra, ‘go get the Book of the Law.’ Ezra went and got a Book of the Law.
He stood and read from it nearly all day and the people stood there with an
attentive heart, attentive ear, and listened to the word of God. They didn’t
listen to what was public opinion, not what was popular, and not what
would make people feel good. They didn't poll the audience and ask them
what they wanted. They said, ‘Where's the Book of God? We want to hear
the book of God.’ When they found the Book of the Law, their ears perked
up and listened to what God had to say. They had an attentive heart to the
word of God.
The Israelites were so attentive to the word of God because they had
lacked that for so long. In that captivity, 70 years of harsh Babylonian
captivity, where were the Bibles then? Where was the scripture then?
Where was their freedom to open the scripture and study it and expound
upon it and read from it? Under captivity, that was a scarce thing because
of the lack of their ability to have God's word in their life for so long. The
only way today that we're going to have a real attitude of attentiveness to
the word of God, is when we realize the great value of God's word.
Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 15:16, ‘your words were found and I did eat
them and they were to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.’
Part of the problem that we face today in our, industrialized world with
printing presses and books everywhere is that there's mass availability to
the Bible and yet, we take for granted how powerful it is and how attentive
we need to be to it. It's readily available. I've got the freedom to read it
anytime I want and yet so many times we just don't. Do we take it for
granted? What a treasure and privilege it is. The word of God is so
important because it's what saves our souls. The Bible says in James 1:21
that we're to ‘receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to
save our soul.’ What's going to save, men and women from being lost for
eternity? The scripture is.
Let's think about how powerful, important, and attentive we need to
be to the word of God because of its great value. Do we realize and do we
remember that the Bible contains the words of life? Not just words of lifethe words of life that which can help us to be saved and live the best life.
Jesus had made some hard statements in John 6:63. Some decided they
didn't want to follow Jesus anymore. Jesus turned to Peter and the rest of
the disciples and he said, ‘Do you want to go away also here's your
chance? Do you want to go away also?’ Peter turned to the Lord and said
‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’ John 6:68,
the Bible has everything, all things for life and godliness. The word of God
is able to completely equip us, for every good work, 2 Timothy 3:17. If you
want to live the best life, you want to make sure that you're living in such a
way, you can go to heaven. You want to live the full, complete, abundant
life? The Bible contains the words of life. The Bible has the ability to edify
us to build us up and help us to be closer to God. To the elders in Ephesus,
Paul on the beach of Miletus says, ‘So now brethren, I commend you to
God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and give you
an inheritance.’ Among all those who are sanctified, are you going to be
built up spiritually? You want to make sure that inheritance is yours and
that you can grab hold of it and maintain it. It's the Bible that has the power
to do that. We need an attentive heart to the word of God because it's
God's word that helps us be convicted.
We have sin in our life. None of us probably like to admit that or come
face to face with it, but it's true. From time to time we all sin and fall short.
You know what great value of the Bible is? It helps us to realize that and to
get that out of our live. Acts 2:36 the Bible says, Peter stood up and
proclaimed, ‘Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, God's
made this same Jesus whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.’ The Bible
says, ‘Those Jews who heard that and we're attentive to it, they were cut to
the heart.’ What's that mean? The Bible pricked their heart. They cried out:
‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?'
Saul of Tarsus, who had gotten hardened by his zealous Jewish
upbringing, is softened by the word of God. Acts 9 Saul is intent, on
dragging men and women to prison persecuting them. Some of them might
even die. He's presented with Jesus on the way to Damascus. When he
realizes it's truth, his ears perk up. ‘Lord, what would you have me to do?’
God's word is able to help us overcome sin. ‘Your word,’ the Psalmist said,
‘I've hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you,’ Psalm 119:10-12.
If I've got a good working knowledge of the word of God and my heart is
attentive to that, when I find my ways aren't what they ought to be, it
encourages me. I want to get back right with all mighty God.
Then of course the Bible has the power to help us to help us realize
why we are here, where are we going, and where we'll end up. We realize
I'm here as a creation of God, Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:7. I'm not going to
be here real long. Life is but a vapor, James 4:14. We have 70 maybe 80
years, Psalm 90:10-12. One day I will stand before Almighty God. Every
knee will bow, every tongue will confess, and I'll give an account of how I
lived my life. ‘It's appointed to man once to die and then the judgment.’ If
I've listened to the word of God and I've lived my life by that, on that great
day, I'll hear those wonderful words: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’
If I've turned a deaf ear to the word of God, then I'll hear the words: ‘Depart
from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.’ I want to have a
mindset that desires unity with God and others. I want to have an attentive
heart to God and His word.
A third ingredient that is necessary for biblical restoration is great
respect, in my life, for the word and the authority of Almighty God. Look in
Nehemiah 8:4-5. The Bible says, ‘So Ezra the scribe, stood on a platform of
wood which they had made for that purpose and beside him at his right
hand stood Mattithiah, Shema and Anaiah, Urijah, Hilkiah, Maaseih and at
his left hand, Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchiah, Hashum, Hashbadana,
Zechariah and Meshullam. Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the
people, for he was standing above all the people.’ Now watch this, ‘And
when he opened it all the people stood up.’ Why? After 70 years of harsh
captivity, it finally dawned upon the Israelites how powerful and how much,
they needed to respect the Bible. As that voice of God is opened before
them, they stand up out of honor and respect for the word of God. We need
today that same respect for God and His word.
Do we realize that this book is the very voice of God speaking to us
today? All scripture is breathed out by God, 2 Timothy 3:16. The pages in
this book are not just ink and paper. It is God's message for me. Holy men
of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit and God tells me in
this book how He wants me to live. This is how we please God. Out of
respect for almighty God, I want to respect the scriptures. I want to realize
this is God's word, and I've got to live in harmony in such a way with it that
one day I can bring honor and glory to almighty God in every way and in
every occasion. As we think about God and we think about God's message
and how to please Him and give glory and honor to Him in each and every
way, that's what this is all about in every avenue and in every way.
As we think about this idea, Nehemiah 8:6, I want to give us then
another principle that will help us. Ezra blessed the Lord, the Great God.
‘Then all the people answered Amen, while lifting up their hands, they
bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.’
What's necessary for biblical restoration, from Nehemiah 8:6? There has to
be absolute worship for God with fear and reverence. Look at the people.
They bowed down. The act of bowing one's face to the ground was a sign
of reverence and fear and all of Almighty God. Exodus 3:5, as Moses is
there with that burning bush, he bows down with his face toward the
ground. Isaiah six, Isaiah feels humbled to be in the presence of God. Then
of course, you have John in the book of Revelation. All of these exhibit this
idea of one's face going down, representative of reverence or fear, for all
mighty God in worship.
If we're going to have biblical restoration, it's got to be based on
respect for who God is and how God wants me to worship Him. There's a
lot of seeming disrespect, for God in worship today. When you to look at
some of the things that are done today, you've got so much that it makes
light up what's going on. The people who are jumping around and hollering
and jumping over pews and all this supposedly miraculous stuff that's going
on that people are just trying to make a big show out of- it's almost like a
carnival or a circus as it were today. We need to realize God wants us to
worship Him in a way that brings glory and honor to His name and out of
respect for Him not me. Out of respect for God, I want to worship Him the
way He wants me to. God is a spirit. Here's what he says, “God is a spirit
and those who worship Him, must worship in spirit and in truth.” Our
attitude and the way we approach God, must give Him true honor and
Then a final ingredient that is necessary for biblical restoration is to
come to the scripture and try to understand what God wants us to, based
on His word, a proper understanding of God based on the Bible. Listen to
Nehemiah 8:7-8. The Bible says also, ‘Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin,
Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanah
and Pelaiah and the Levites, helped the people to understand the Law and
the people stood in their place. They read distinctly from the book in the
Law of God, and they gave the sense or the understanding and helped
them to understand the reading.’ Here you've got people who studied the
scripture a long time. Some of these people haven't for many years
studying the Bible. What did they do to really understand the script? Did
they get out and commentaries and give everybody's idea and taking an
opinion poll? No- they read distinctly to them from the Bible. If we really
want to have biblical restoration, let's turn people back to the word of God.
Let's turn people towards the scriptures. Let's read God's word. Paul said in
Ephesians 3:4, ‘you can understand the knowledge of Christ, when you've
read these things, give attention to reading.’ We want to point people to the
Bible to help understand it. If I want to understand the Bible, I want to let
the Bible be its own best commentary. Then of course, I want to apply
God's message to my life. ‘The things that you've heard and read and
seen,’ Paul said, ‘these do and the God of peace will be with you.’
Too many times people are turned toward entertainment and what
somebody somewhere who is a religious person says-let's turn people to
the Bible. ‘Is there any word from the Lord?’ Jeremiah 37:17. That's how
we're really going to be restored to all mighty God. Just like in the days of
Nehemiah, how wonderful it was that they had the opportunity to get back
right with God. Nehemiah 8 is such an encouraging scene because the
people, regardless of persecution or what it takes, they're going to put God
and His word above all else. We need that same attitude among the Lord's
people today.
May God help each of us to have the right heart for unity to look to
the word of God and be attentive and respectful for what God wants, so
that one day He'll call upon us as His children with words of
encouragement and hope: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’
May God help each of us to live in that way.
Questions for: Old Testament Studies: Lesson 2
1. According to Psalm 133:1, what is good and pleasant?
2. According to Ephesians 4:3, we are to keep unity of what?
3. According to 1 Corinthians 1:10, there are to be no what?
4. How does Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 describe unity?
5. What did Jesus pray for in John 17:20-21?
6. In Nehemiah 8:2-3, what did the people have a desire to hear?
7. How is the word of God described in Jeremiah 15:16?
8. According to James 1:21, what can save our soul?
9. According to Psalm 119:10-12, what can help prevent sin?
10. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, where does all scripture come from?
Nehemiah 8: Keys to Successful Restoration
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
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Old Testament Studies