
How To Study The Bible -- Day 2

 🖐🏾 Reasons to Read the Bible 📖

1. The Bible is infallible. (Read Luke 1:37; Isaiah 55:10-11)

Infallible - Incapable of mistake, never wrong, completely true, and certain not to fail in its teaching. 

2. The Bible is inerrant. (Read John 17:17)

Inerrant - Free from or without error, incapable of mistake or deceit, it is perfect.

3. The Bible is inspired. (Read 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21) 

Inspired - God-breathed, being guided by God, given directly by the Holy Spirit.

4. The Bible is incomparable. (Read Hebrews 4:12)

Incomparable - It has no equal in literature or message.

5. The Bible is infinite. (Read Matthew 5:18; 24:35) 

Infinite - Never ending, ongoing, continuous, eternal.

Why are these important? Because the Bible's qualities reflect the Author's character. These same adjectives reflect and describe God. So anywhere you see the word 'Bible' you can substitute it for God. Because:

1. God is infallible. He doesn't make mistakes. He is never wrong. He is just and good. He is completely true.

2. God is inerrant. He is perfect.

3. God is inspired. He is the Holy Spirit. 

4. God is incomparable. He has no equal.

5. God is infinite. He is never-ending, eternal, and His love never fails.

This is why you should read the Bible.