

Because of the Resurrection, We Can Know God is Love

March 24, 2024 • Trevor Harrison • John 20:25, 1 John 4:8–10

Jesus died for you. If you’ve spent much time in church, you’ve probably heard it before. Maybe when you hear that phrase, you think about the afterlife—about going to heaven when you die. If so, you wouldn’t be wrong. Jesus died and rose again to make a way for you to spend eternity with Him. But that’s not all. Following Jesus isn’t just about the afterlife; it’s also about life after Jesus, here and now.

The people who knew Jesus best during His earthly life, His disciples, were as surprised as anyone when the tomb was empty on Sunday morning—and yet, they were changed by it, forever. When they saw the risen Jesus, they knew in an instant that God loved them, that they mattered to Him, and that their sins could be forgiven. All of that was enough to transform them into joy-filled people of purpose. They were able to lay aside their fears and their guilt, their past regrets and their grudges; Jesus had set them free.

It’s two thousand years later, and nothing has changed. The risen Jesus still offers the same, abundant life. God really does love you. You matter to Him. Your sins can be forgiven. Now that’s good news!