
Confident Christianity Conference

Evangelism And Apologetics

Craig Hazen

Craig Hazen discusses evangelism and apologetics at the 2013 Confident Christianity Conference.

Same Sex Marriage

Barry Creamer

Barry Creamer discusses same sex marriage at the 2013 Confident Christianity Conference.

Christians Engaging The Culture

Tim Muehlhoff

Tim Muehlhoff speaks on engaging the culture at the Confident Christianity Conference.

Marriage and Sexuality

Barry Creamer

Barry Creamer looks to present a biblical response to the issues about marriage and sexuality at the 2014 CCC.

The Enlightenment, Postmodernity And Existentialism

Barry Creamer

Barry Creamer, president of Criswell College, discusses the enlightenment, postmodernity and existentialism at the 2014 Confident Christianity Conference.

20 Years of Challenging Evolution

Michael Keas

Michael Keas, professor of History and Philosophy of Science at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, discusses the flagellar motor and how intellegent design challenges evoloution.

Relationship Between Apologetics And Evangelism

Norman Geisler

Theistic apologetics is the key to fulfilling the Great Commission. Norman Geisler defines apologetics and evangelism and demontrates the relationship between them at the 2014 CCC.

CCC 14 Panel Discussion

CCC Panel

The panelists look to answer questions submitted by conference attendees regarding apologetics