
The Heart Of A King

September 4, 2022 • Léon van Weerden

It’s kick-off for our Homecoming month of September with lots of activities focusing on Jesus at the Centre and Relationships at its Core.

This is also the start of a new series: “Jesus’ Culture: Capturing the Heart of a King”. Let's get into the Word #together.

The Generous Landowner

December 4, 2022 • Léon van Weerden • Matthew 20:1–16

Life is not always fair. Interestingly, when life is unfair in our favour, we tend to not make a big deal out of it. When life isn't unfair in our favour, that's when we get aggravated. Jesus' culture has an interesting approach to fairness. The Parable of the Generous Landowner unpacks it all.

The Great Banquet

November 27, 2022 • Léon van Weerden

I would have probably titled this parable "The Parable of the Lame Excuses", rather than "The Great Banquet". Both titles apply. The latter reveals God's end game. He always wins.   Let's unpack this message and enjoy His Banquet!

Is God A Tither?

November 6, 2022 • Léon van Weerden

Many Christians tithe. Others don’t. Some think it’s a Biblical requirement. Others think grace no longer makes it a necessity. The answer lies in a simple question: Is God a Tither?