What happens when our only concern in life is keeping up with the Jones'? What makes us who we are? Who are we allowing to influence our lives and decisions?
January 31, 2024 • Ps. Roman Gutierrez • Judges 4:1–9
We've all told our kids, "Just wait til you get older!" with the hope they understand one day what the weight of responsibility is. What keeps us going, day in and day out?
Living In Deliverance
January 28, 2024 • Ps. Amaury Diaz • Mark 5:1–20
In this day and age, we live in the freest society that has ever existed. But are we truly free? What things keep us trapped and in a form of invisible bondage?
The Truth Shall Set You Free
January 28, 2024 • Ps. Jeremy Moreno • 1 Kings 22:7–18
Is truth subjective or objective? Is it my truth or your truth? Is truth immutable or does it change? What is the truth?