
Pray 1 Hour (Prayer Wheel)


We often desire to develop a prayer discipline in our life but may struggle with knowing what to pray about longer than ten minutes. Though I do not believe God has time requirements with regard to prayer, I do believe that the more we pray, the more we get to know Him, and the more we change our world as we co-labor with Him. The more we know Him, the more we can pray in His will and He can work through us.

If you desire to build your prayer time, here’s a way to help you. I have taken the Prayer Wheel prayer guide and expounded slightly upon it to help bring some ideas to you to expand your prayer time easily into an hour. One hour each day equates to more than six weeks a year. Using this guide of twelve prayer areas of only five minutes each, you can easily reach that hour mark and in the process, change yourself and your world. You can adjust the 5 minutes slots as needed.

1. PRAISE (5 minutes): Psalm 22:3; 63:3; Hebrews 13:15 – Begin your prayer with praise. Praise esteems God for His greatness and virtue, focuses on His nature, and builds our faith as we reflect on His goodness and faithfulness. You don’t have to thank Him for the same things or everything you can think of each day. Rather, consider taking one or two of His attributes and talk with Him about how they have affected your life, or the lives of others. Though we should develop a consistent habit of praise unto God, we don’t want to develop a rote method that becomes more rehearsed than meaningful. Praise is not a method to “sugar-talk” God into listening to us; it’s bringing our mind back to seeing WHO He is, regardless of what’s happening in our life.

2. FORGIVENESS (5 minutes): Matthew 6:14-15 – Nothing blocks your spiritual progress more fatally than an unforgiving spirit. Forgiveness is a complete pouring out and release of any negative feeling that might be held against another person, church, or group. It’s not holding a grudge, or desiring revenge. It’s easy for us to become bitter against someone who has hurt us, but remembers that you have also hurt others, including God. We all need to receive forgiveness, and we all need to give forgiveness. Include both of these areas during this time. In addition, accept God’s forgiveness rather than holding onto your past mistakes. When God forgives, He releases, and we need to release ourselves as well. I’ve often prayed for those who were considered my enemies. As I have done that, I’ve seen those enemies and my situation change. There’s too much effort needed to maintain bitterness and strife.

3. CONFESSION (5 minutes): Psalm 139:23-24 Psalm 66:18 – If you hide sin in your heart God will not hear you. Repent of sin and you will clear the road for God to move. When there is nothing to hide or cause hesitation between you and God, you will be free to approach Him without fear and full of confidence. During this time, repent of things you have done that need addressed, but also ask God to show you anything else that He is not pleased with. Wait on Him and open your heart as He shares any issues with you. When He does, don’t revert to feeling condemned. Scripture tells us that God corrects those He loves. He desires to commune with you, so when He shares issues, realize that it’s His love, not Him condemning you for your faults.

4. PETITION (5 minutes): James 4:2-3; Matthew 6:9-13 – This aspect of prayer deals with our personal needs and desires. God is interested in our personal life. He’s interested in more than if we have a job, or good health. He also cares about our dreams, talents, and struggles. When I pray in this area, I talk to God about my frustrations, my thoughts, and things I’d like to do, even if they don’t seem “spiritual”. We need to remember that even the non-spiritual things of life can become spiritual when we bring God into them. When we make all of our lives spiritual, we’ll begin seeing God more involved. He won’t intrude where He’s not invited.

5. INTERCESSION (5 minutes): I Timothy 2:1-2; Matthew 9:37-38 – Intercession is prayer for others. This includes family, friends, our church, city, nation, and world. As you go through your week, write down issues that you hear about in these areas and pray over them during this time. Keep up with the news so you know what issues are happening in your world. Remember that God is bigger than your personal life. He cares about all nations. We co-labor with God to bring about His divine purposes when we pray, give, or go. Consider praying about missionaries, famines, natural disasters, wars, human trafficking. and so on. Try to feel what God would feel in these issues and pray accordingly. I also ask God what He wants prayed for. Sometimes He shares His heart with me about something that never crossed my mind.

6. READ THE BIBLE (5 minutes): II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 19:9 – Read the Bible during prayer. The Word is enlightening to the eyes, giving us direction, understanding, and revelation. It is the primary way that God speaks to us. Don’t rush through your reading. Read scripture slowly, thinking on what you are reading. When you get to a scripture that makes you pause or think, this may be God speaking to you. Reread it again, and ask God to reveal to you what He wants to share. Read scripture for your personal edification, but also be open to scriptures that you can share with others. God often speaks His Word through people to others who need to hear it. We are to be conduits of His truth, in kindness and grace. My bible is full of things I received from God as I read. I write them down in my bible, if possible, so I when I read that scripture later His Word is brought back to my mind again.

7. MEDITATION (5 minutes): Psalm 1:1-2; 46:10; 77:12 – Take time to “think on these things.” This works well right after reading scripture. Ask God to give you understanding of what you read, and believe that He will. You will not hear if you don’t have faith God will speak. You must be open and willing to listen. We have to hear with our ears, and with our heart. Write down scriptures that God is dealing with you about and keep going back to them in your prayer time. I have a notebook full of things God shares with me. Sometimes during my prayer time, I open that notebook and reread those things. Sometimes they speak to me anew, and other times they bring a wealth of thanksgiving as I see how His words affected my life.

8. THANKSGIVING (5 minutes): Philippians 4:6 – Spend time thanking God aloud for His provision and goodness to you. Even the smallest of things are miraculous when we see them as the goodness of God. Consider thanking Him for something you don’t often thank Him for, such as your talents, His thoughts toward you, music, silence, flowers, etc. Sometimes I simply thank Him for coffee, because I really enjoy it. And when God answers prayer, it would be good to record those answers so we can review them later. Sometimes our life situations can seem hopeless, but when we think about what God has done, our faith builds again. God doesn’t change. He is able to do the impossible. It’s natural for our human mind to easily forget what He has done in the past, so journaling and reviewing those things keep our faith fresh.

9. PRAY THE WORD (5 minutes): Personally apply, out loud, the precepts of the Bible. Praying scripture is praying the Word and will of God. When you don’t know what to pray for in a situation, find a scripture and pray it. God will not go against His Word, and is faithful to do what He said He would do. Pray His promises over your life. When we live in obedience to His Word, His promises are sure for us. When we delight in Him and is His Word, He delights in us and is willing to bless us. I used to read my bible as a strict discipline, trying to hurry through my reading to check off another day. Now I read to simply know Him. It may be just a few scriptures, but even one scripture can bring revelation when you are truly searching to know Him.

10. SINGING (5 minutes): Psalm 100:2; Ephesians 5:19 – Singing refreshes the soul. It lifts our spirits, and causes praise to erupt. It releases emotions and gives us words to express what we are feeling. You can sing to God yourself, or sing along with a recorded song. God doesn’t care how you sound; to Him, your praise is always beautiful. Try singing in the Spirit, or writing your own song. I have several songs I’ve written that are mine and God’s alone. They will never be recorded or shared because they are for Him only. And sometimes, we simply need to listen because He may sing a song back to us.

11. LISTENING (5 minutes): I Kings 19:11-12; Psalm 46:10 – Prayer is not all talking to God. Prayer is also listening. Quiet your mind and silence your words, even if it feels awkward. Remember, you will not hear if you don’t have faith God will speak. And you cannot hear if you are doing all the talking. This is personal instruction time. When God shares things with you, consider writing down what He says in a journal. Review this often. If God speaks, it’s worth rereading again, just like scripture. And not everything God shares with you is for all the world to hear. Sometimes what God speaks to me is personal, and other times He speaks, I feel the need to share it with others. The more you listen, the more you will find Him speaking.

12. PRAISE (5 minutes): Matthew 6:13; Psalm 52:9 – Conclude every prayer with praise. It’s not hard to praise Him again after everything you’ve just experienced. When He reveals more of who He is, we can’t help but simply enjoy Him. We need time in our prayer hour to simply be with Him. To enjoy Him and to see Him in our everyday lives. When we do, we change. He no longer becomes a big God in the sky who might answer if we are good enough… He becomes personal – a loving father who delights in us, and we in Him.

Though this is a great guide to help you develop your prayer life, don’t feel you have to follow this every time. Allow God to guide you. Sometimes He will take you on a “field trip” and allow you to experience your prayer time in a different way. But regardless of what method you use, enjoy Him. Get to know Him. The more you see His glory, the more you’ll want to be in His presence.

by Colleen Clabaugh

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Pray For Your Local Church

August 8, 2021 • John 1:12–13, Acts 2:42, James 5:16, Ephesians 3:15

How to Pray for Your Local Church The uplifting and refreshing presence of God is upon a church where God’s people have humbled themselves to pray! When we were born again, we were born into a family—our church family (Ephesians 3:15, John 1:12-13). God purposed this inter-relationship for our spiritual good. We need each other in united prayer and prayer warfare. (See Acts 2:42 and James 5:16 .) Every New Testament local church was exhorted to pray without ceasing. Prayer with fasting is practiced. Consider: The church at Ephesus was exhorted to pray always (Ephesians 6:18). The church at Thessalonica was told to “Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17). The church at Rome was admonished to “be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12). The church at Colosse was exhorted to “continue in prayer with thanksgiving steadfastly” (Colossians 4:2). The church at Philippi was encouraged to not worry about anything . . . but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made know to God (Philippians 4:6). The Hebrews were urged to “continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God” (Hebrews 13:15). Around A.D. 400, Chrysotom wrote, “What we cannot obtain by solitary prayer . . . we may by cooperative prayer.” The uplifting and refreshing presence of God is upon a church where God’s people have humbled themselves to pray! By prayer we are talking about more than a few minutes here and there. We speak of focused prayer …groanings . . . cries from the heart . . . fasting . . . seeking God’s face (Romans 8:26). We are keenly aware of spiritual forces at work in the congregation and also outside the church. Preaching, teaching, lecturing, discipling—without prayer—have little impact against these powers (Zechariah 4:6). Every local church must be united in unceasing, intercessory, concentrated, prevailing prayer! There is unusual power in united prayer. Jesus said, “My house shall be called the house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13). When you pray for your local church, pray for: 1. YOUR PASTOR AND HIS FAMILY Pray that God would anoint your pastor and his wife to be the godly leaders that the local church needs (I John 2:27). Pray that they would be strengthened physically and that their financial needs would be met (Phillippians 4:19). Pray that they would have wisdom in rearing their own children in the fear of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). 2. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Pray that God would anoint and inspire the teachers to reach and teach the children on their level. Pray that the children’s hearts would be tender to the Lord and that they would receive the Holy Ghost even in their classrooms (Acts 2:39). Pray that the children would lead their unchurched parents to know Christ. 3. HOME BIBLE STUDIES AND OUTREACH MINISTRIES Pray that teachers and workers would be sensitive to the needs of those they meet. Pray that the hearts of the contacts would be fertile soil for the Word of God to take root and grow. Pray that the entire church would feel the burden to reach their world with the love of Christ and His gospel. 4. YOUTH MINISTRIES Pray that the youth staff—the youth pastor, youth leaders, Sunday school teachers, and others—would havegenuine love and concern for the youth of the church and city and the wisdom to deal with the manifold problems that face today’s youth. Pray that parents and older saints would be examples of righteousness for the youth to follow. Pray that the youth would learn to put God first in their lives (Matthew 6:33). 5. MUSIC MINISTRIES Pray that those involved in the music ministry would be divinely anointed as they play and sing unto the Lord. Pray that they would be sensitive to the move of the Spirit and complement the ministry of the Word. Pray that they, as more public examples of the church, would walk circumspectly before the Lord (Ephesians 5:15). 6. SINGLE MINISTRIES AND SUPPORT GROUPS Pray that the singles would find the companionship and emotional support they need within the church body. Pray that the other support groups would be understanding and compassionate as they reach out to those in need. Pray that those in material need would be drawn closer to Christ because of their problems. 7. DAUGHTER CHURCHES Pray for the ministers of the daughter church to be anointed and strengthened both spiritually and physically (III John 2). Pray that those attending the daughter work would pick up the burden—both spiritually and financially. Pray that the community surrounding the new work would be receptive to the Word of God (II Thessalonians 3:1). 8. PRAYER MINISTRIES Pray for the leaders of the prayer ministry to be strengthened physically and spiritually—intercession is taxing both to the body and spirit. Pray that they would be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit and to the needs of the church. Pray that others would have a burden to join the prayer ministry. 9. MEDIA MINISTRIES Pray that the media ministries of the church would be tools of evangelism and encouragement. Pray that God would anoint the hearts of those that hear the tapes and see the videos to be receptive to the Word of God. Pray that the church dramas and newsletters would make an eternal impact on lives. Praying for your local church is not only an obligation, it is a wonderful privilege. Heaven and hell respond to those who pray (II Chronicles 7:14; Matthew 16:18). Your prayers can bring revival, healing, reconciliation, and salvation. Please pray for your local church. Produced by World Network of Prayer, United Pentecostal Church International

Put On Your Spiritual Armor

August 9, 2021 • Ephesians 6:11–17

TAKE ON THE WHOLE ARMOR "Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood; but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God; that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God " (Eph. 6:11-17) The Helmet of Salvation: "Lord, protect my mind. Keep my mind and eyes focused on you. Let me think right. Let me view things through your eyes. Let me not be conformed to this world's way of thinking. Let me be transformed by the renewing of my mind, that I may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Rom. 12:2) "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." (Isa. 26:3) "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." (Rom. 8:6). “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 2:5) The Breastplate of Righteousness: "Lord, keep my heart right. Filter everything that comes into or out of my heart through your righteousness. Lead me in the paths of righteousness for your name's sake. (Ps.23:3) Come and rain your righteousness upon us." (Hos. 10:12) "Let me be easily impressed by your Spirit. Let me recognize the unction and guidance of your righteousness in my life. Let me be led by your Holy Spirit in all I say and do." Loins Girt about with Truth: "Lord, put a love of the truth in my heart. Gird me about with truth. Spirit of Truth, wrap yourself around me. Let truth keep me from all lies and all error and every false way. For your Word speaks of those who 'with all deceivableness of unrighteousness http://...perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved' (II Thess. 2:10). So let us love the truth, not just in word, but in deed." Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace: "Lord, everywhere I go let me bring peace. Grant to me a willingness to be peaceful and to bring peace, a willingness to 'Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” (Heb. 12:14). Let me be a peacemaker. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace…” (Isa. 52:7). Let me be a person who publishes and spreads your peace." "Lord, guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:79). Set my feet in a large place safe from the pit. Send your angels to keep me from dashing my feet against a stone." (Ps. 91:12). The Shield of Faith: "Lord, quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. For you are the author and the finisher of my faith. Let me be able to truly say with Paul, 'I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God; who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Gal. 2:20). "Your Word declares that, 'He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” (Ps. 91:4). Grant it, Lord! My prayer is that my 'faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” (I Cor. 2:5). Protect us from the enemy's attacks, Lord! The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God: "I come on the offensive, with your Word as my weapon, against the gates of hell. Anoint your Word in my heart, mind, and mouth. Let your Word do a work in me and through me. Let me be a channel through which your living Word can flow powerfully and effectively." “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12). "The righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart: that is the word of faith, which we preach.” (Rom 10:6-8).

Pray Through The Tabernacle Plan

August 10, 2021 • Exodus 25:1, Exodus 31:18

Praying Through The Tabernacle Plan (Heaven to Earth: The Tabernacle Today) THE TABERNACLE In Exodus, Chapters 25-31, God gave detailed instructions to Moses on Mt. Sinai for building the Tabernacle to house His presence. The Tabernacle was a tent-like structure inside a rectangular courtyard, facing East, surrounded by a fence made of pillars and linen hangings, and covered as area 45’ long, and 15’ wide, with a 15’ high covering. In the outer courtyard were the brazen alter nearest the entrance, and the laver of water. Inside the tent were the Holy Place (housing the candlestick, the table of shewbread, and the golden altar of incense) and the Holy of Holies (where the Ark of the Covenant rested). In and above the Holy of Holies, God appeared as a pillar of cloud or fire. Each article of furniture represents a different prayer focus that has a unique meaning corresponding with its original purpose defined by God, and a place in the “types and shadows” that exist between the Old and New Testaments. STEP 1- THE GATE Here, we enter into His gate with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise (Psalm 100:4). PRAYER FOCUS: We begin here. Thank God for every blessing and praise Him for His mighty acts. STEP 2 - THE BRAZEN ALTER For sinful man to even approach a holy God, there must be a blood sacrifice. Jesus died as an atonement for our sins. The brazen alter is where we repent and rid ourselves of sinful deeds and desires. PRAYER FOCUS: No one can repent for us. Jesus became our sacrifice so we could receive the gift of repentance. At the alter we search our hearts, acknowledge our sins, and ask God to forgive us. STEP 3 - THE LAVER OF WATER Once sins were atoned for, cleansing was necessary before serving in the Holy Place. We must daily look into the mirror of; be washed by; and apply His word as cleansing so we may serve and minister before Him. PRAYER FOCUS: Here we take time to read and meditate on God’s Word and allow it to wash over us and through us. When we examine ourselves with his Word as our guide, the Word will sanctify and cleanse us. STEP 4 - THE FIVE PILLARS Each pillar symbolizes one of the characteristics of God named by Isaiah. PRAYER FOCUS: “His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Pray for a revelation of the power of and for the office of each name to be present in our lives. STEP 5 - THE GOLDEN CANDLESTICK This oil is symbolic of the illuminating and revelatory power of the Holy Ghost. The priest’s duty was to keep the wicks trimmed so the lamp would exude pure light without smoke. PRAYER FOCUS: At this source of continuous shinning light ask God for spiritual revelation, direction and guidance. Pray for the anointing of the Holy Ghost to be active in our lives. Jesus said “I am the light of the world...” (John 8:12). STEP 6 - THE TABLE OF SHEWBREAD The table/bread symbolized God’s willingness to fellowship with man and him to be in His presence. PRAYER FOCUS: “I am the bread of life...” (John 6:35, 49-50). This bread of His presence is the “rhema” (God -breathed) Word of God to us. Ask God to speak to our hearts and allow us to commune with Him and hear His voice and follow Him. Pray for those who share His bread with us: missionaries, pastors, evangelists and church leaders. STEP 7 - THE GOLDEN ALTAR OF INCENSE Only the fire of repentance can burn the incense of our intercession. This is a symbol of our prayers and intercession going up to God as a sweet fragrance. PRAYER FOCUS: “Let my prayer be sent forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice” (Psalm 141:2). Here the incense offered is symbolic of our worship. After worship, we make intercession for others and for any situation in our lives that requires His intervention. Biblically, Jesus ever makes intercession for us. The golden altar of incense is where every request can be presented to a prayer-answering God. STEP 8 - THE VEIL It represents the flesh of Jesus rent in the final sacrifice and marked physical separation from the spiritual. Whoever went in the Holy of Holies entered into God’s very presence. PRAYER FOCUS: The veil is symbolic of the barrier of our flesh. Here we ask God to give us power to go beyond ourselves, to operate not on our own faith but on God’s faith. Meditate on the revelation of the name of Jesus and acknowledge Him as the Messiah - God manifest in the flesh as testified in the gospels. We enter into His presence. STEP 9 - THE HOLY OF HOLIES Inside the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant which contained three symbolic items: a golden pot of manna, Aaron’s staff that budded, and the stone containing the Ten Commandments. The Mercy Seat, where God communed with man, rested as the top of the ark. Because the ark was God’s throne among His people, it was a symbol of His presence and power. PRAYER FOCUS: Only the blood gives us access to the Holy of Holies. The Ten Commandments (The Law) is covered by the blood of the sacrifice. There is only mercy. We are free and without judgment. This is the place of intimacy with God. Now we may act in the authority represented by Aaron’s rod that budded. Through Christ, we take authority over things that work against us. We are surrounded by angels, and the miracle of the manna reminds us that whatever we need, He will supply.