UNCONDITIONAL Marriage Enrichment Weekend - With Guest Speakers Rob & Aimee Jadrnicek (Mukwanago, WI). UNCONDITIONAL SCHEDULE Friday - March 11 (Session 1) (6:30 P.M.) Taco Bar & Fellowship (7:00 P.M.) Video (7:05 P.M.) Introductions (7:10P.M.) Couples Jeopardy (7:40 P.M.) Video (8:00P.M.) Unconditional - Rob & Aimee Jadrnicek (8:50P.M.) Closing Comments Saturday - March 12 (Session 2) 10:15 AM - Refreshments Icebreaker: Couple’s Communication Game: “How well do you know your Spouse?” Exercise: The Five Love Language Test 11:30 AM - Rob & Aimee Jadrnicek