
Awakened: Time & Seasons

September 25, 2022 • Pastor Arlan Sanchez • Matthew 24:23

No one knows the time, but Jesus does point us to the season and its signs. Pastor Arlan continues our series The Days Of Noah with part 3. There is a threshold of a brand new door where our future no longer can be void of divine influence.

The Days of Noah

September 4, 2022 • Pastor Arlan Sanchez • Luke 17:1–2

Humanity didn't need just a better government, they needed transformational shifts in their hearts. Pastor Arlan introduces our new series The Days of Noah with taking us to Luke 17:1-2, where they ask Jesus about the Kingdom of God and when it would come. In His answer we find two truths: 1) It can't be localized, and 2) It will be like the days of Noah.

What's God Unveiling?

September 18, 2022 • Pastor Arlan Sanchez • Matthew 24:32

What is God unveiling, in this season? Pastor Arlan continues our series The Days of Noah referencing Matthew 24:32 where Jesus points to the fig tree, its signs, His return and the days of Noah. Unveiling is part of the process God uses to sharpen our attention.