
Committed to Grace

July 16, 2023 • Pastor Arlan Sanchez • Psalm 36:7

Mephibosheth and David were both anchored by an oath. Committed by grace, David extends an invitation for Mephibosheth to live at the palace and eat at his table. Pastor Arlan continues our series Hidden Covenants reminding us that truth is not viewed subjectively; truth is viewed objectively, and it is viewed through the work Christ has completed…this is our anchor!

Your Story Has A Message

July 2, 2023 • Pastor Arlan Sanchez • Ephesians 1:7–9

There's a message to your story; it includes transformation and redemption. Pastor Arlan begins our new series Hidden Covenants found in Paul's letter to the Ephesians which reminds them of their story's part of a greater covenant. We need to discover and claim it!

Anchor to Your Soul

July 9, 2023 • Pastor Arlan Sanchez • Hebrews 6:15–18

God's plan for your life includes the covenant of God with you. Pastor Arlan continues our series Hidden Covenants with a survey of Ephesians 1, 2 Samuel 9 and Hebrew 6. Throughout your spiritual journey the wonder for the anchor of your soul is that God cannot lie, and we must remember that the gradual realization of the promises of God takes enduring.

Lo Debar

July 30, 2023 • Pastor Arlan Sanchez • Ephesians 1:8

hen David sought to show kindness to a relative of Jonathan they found Mephibosheth, the only surviving son of Jonathan, in a town called Lo Debar (2 Samuel 9). Lo Debar which means “no thing” or what some might call an obscure town in the middle of nowhere, can represent a liminal space—a now and not yet—a season, an identity, mentality, or mindset. Although Mephibosheth ultimately leaves this town to go into the King’s palace, Pastor Arlan concludes our series Hidden Covenants teaching how to face life’s "Lo Debars" which are often filled with unfamiliar eras, mysteries and questions, and damaged opinions. Pastor Arlan reminds us that Lo Debar seasons may attempt to strip out God's strategy, inactivate God's invitation calling you up and out, and impact God's covenant and promise with you but remember God is consistent; He does not change! He knows where you are, and he understands humanity's brokenness. "I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can see something of the future he has called you to share. I want you to realize that God has been made rich because we who are Christ’s have been given to him!" Ephesians 1:18 Living Bible