Will you pass an examination of your spiritual health?
What would make you keep going if you were questioned and criticized when you should have been commended, appreciated, and obeyed?
Weakness reverses the curse and allows us to have a good attitude in bad situations.
Sometimes, success is the worst thing that can happen to you.
Suffering and difficulty are often experienced by those who follow Christ, but so are divine comfort and strength.
Confidence in God’s calling enables you to show love and humility, even when challenged.
Scripture tells the story of people wandering away from God and God patiently calling them back.
God commissions spiritual leaders and is the final authority in their evaluation.
There is a war beneath the war, and while the people who fight it don’t seem outwardly impressive, they’re following the pattern of Jesus.
God loves a cheerful giver who shares what they have received from Him.
God calls Christians into relationships characterized by generous love and stringent safeguards.
Generosity is a clear indication of a life touched by God.
Confrontation between Christians is motivated by love, received in humility, and guided by God who comforts and confronts each of us.
Christians sabotage themselves spiritually by choosing to be involved with things and people that pull them away from God.
Paul’s life was defined by extremes endured for the sake of the gospel.