In a world of lonely people Proverbs tells us what makes a good friend and Jesus shows us by example.
Where do wealth and poverty come from? Where do they lead? And what is the best and proper use of wealth?
Work is a part of our lives; we should neither avoid it nor worship it.
God wants to provide us with wisdom for life; the foolish reject it because they reject Him.
We must choose between two ways to live: either trusting God or leaning on our own understanding.
Parents and children should be a blessing to one another, but when children rebel against their parents' instruction loving discipline is required.
Marriage is a gift from God, Proverbs gives us four keys to maintain it.
A Godly woman is rooted in the fear of the Lord and produces righteous fruit, praise her for it!
How do we know what it means to be a man? By turning to God's Word and shutting out other voices.
Convinced of his sin, David turns to God for cleansing, renewal, and restoration.
God has shown you tremendous mercy; bless Him for it, lest you forget!
Am I intertwined with the sinners and scoffers of this world, or meditating on God's Word? These two inputs produce different outputs.
Why do good things happen to bad people, and how should a Christian respond?
What is going on when God seems silent, distant and how do I respond?