There is suffering in this life, but there is also a gracious God who calls you to glory.
Christians must know Satan is stalking them and five tactics for resisting him.
God entrusts the church to men who are called to love and lead like Christ.
When trials come your way don’t think it’s strange or be ashamed, commit your soul to God, rejoice and keep doing good.
In times of difficulty and crisis we are tempted to get our eyes fixed on ourselves, Peter encourages us to get them up and out instead.
In one of the most hard-to-understand passages in the Bible one thing is clear: Christ’s suffering produces blessing for us.
When you sanctify Christ as Lord you know what is true, do what is good, and endure without fear.
Knowing it’s your divine duty to be a blessing, choose unity and righteousness over insults and evil.
God gives specific instruction on how wives and husbands should live because our present relationships can have an eternal impact.
Defining what submission is and is not in Christian marriage.
Christians are called to righteous submission in difficult circumstances as we follow the example of Christ who suffered and died for us.
Peter calls us to live holy lives, even in difficult times and challenges us to submit to government leaders for God’s glory.
God has set a Stone in place - you either reject Him and stumble or receive Him and discover your status and purpose.
Peter encourages Christians living in difficult times to grow spiritually by emphasizing a community of love driven by the Word of God.
Think of all you have in Christ, then be hopeful and holy.