
Lesson 13

Knowing Jesus

January 26, 2023 • Meg Rice • Luke 13

Jesus is continuing to display urgency about the need to make a choice for the kingdom of God. That
choice involves knowing Jesus and being in relationship with him. It also involves repenting. Only
through repentance do we realize the need we all have for a savior. In chapter 13, Jesus is urgently
trying to draw the Israelites to the knowledge that he is the Messiah. Soon it will be too late.

Lesson 22

April 6, 2023 • Meg Rice • Luke 24

Imagine the rug has been pulled out from under you. Has that ever happened in your life? Your dreams, your hopes, your aspirations for a new day, a new life have been obliterated. It’s over. But a light has dawned. I love to cross-reference the gospels to get a feel for what happened after the resurrection of Jesus. For fun read Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16, and John 20 with Luke 24.

Lesson 21

March 30, 2023 • Meg Rice • Luke 22—23

The shadow of darkness is rapidly overtaking Jesus and his trusted disciples. It is time to prepare for the Passover celebration. During this time in first century Jerusalem, the city would swell with Jewish pilgrims coming from throughout the known world. Jesus had arranged for this special Passover meal in advance because he knew it would be his last on earth.

Lesson 20

March 23, 2023 • Meg Rice • Luke 20—21

It’s the final week of the life of Jesus on earth. The Pharisees and teachers of the Law, the Jewish religious leaders, were plotting a way to destroy Jesus. But they had a problem. The people believed that he was a great prophet. They hung on his every word. To arrest and persecute this popular man would mean losing control of the people. This would lead to their losing control of the lucrative Temple sacrifices. Jesus knew their scheme, but he wasn’t hiding from them. A collision course is looming for these two opponents. But Jesus is still trying to convince his Jewish brethren that he is the long-awaited Messiah.