Luke has a life lesson for each of us. This week we focus on the sovereignty of God in our everyday lives
and the fact that we trust his words for us and our loved ones. My prayer is that as we go through this
study together, the focus scriptures would be imbedded in each of our hearts.
Lesson 2
September 29, 2022 • Meg Rice • Luke 2
Chapter 2 of Luke has wording that is familiar to many of us. We say these words each Christmas about the birth of Jesus. Manger scenes enact the verbiage complete with an angelic host of little ones. This week Dr. Luke teaches us to see God in our everyday lives.
Lesson 3
October 6, 2022 • Meg Rice
John the Baptist was born for a specific purpose, “to prepare the way for the Lord”. He dedicated his
life to this purpose. John knew the time had come to proclaim and accomplish his mission (verse 2).
Luke is showing us that we all have a call like John the Baptist to “prepare the way for the Lord”.