
Who Was John the Baptist and What Did He Do?

December 3, 2023 • Dr. Kira Moolman Pettit

Even in the womb, John joyfully testified to who Jesus was. Born to an older cousin of Jesus’ mother, Mary, John’s birth was also miraculous, and his life’s work fulfilled prophecies of one who would come before Jesus to prepare the way. Despite the eccentric figure that John might be in our imaginations – the miracle baby, leaping in the womb, and then the wild prophet wading in the river Jordan, foraging for food, preaching, and baptizing – he is not so different from you or me. John knew that he was called to tell people that Jesus was coming, and he witnessed to who Jesus was. A voice in the wilderness, John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. This session will look at who John was and what he did.