
Power is Not My King (2-21-21)

When power is your king, Christianity is only a tool to be leveraged.

February 21, 2021 • Ernie Jaurique


1. What are some subtle ways people try to exercise their “power” over others?

2. How has the desire for power become a king (Idol) in your life? Explain. (Get personal with this question. Don’t just talk about what it might look like in someone else’s life. What does this look like for you personally?)

3. How does surrendering to Jesus Christ kill the idol of power? What does that look like practically?

4. Read Acts 1:6-8. How can we use our God given power to honor God?

5. What is God teaching you through this sermon? Where is He convicting you to change?

Pleasure is Not My King (2-28-21)

February 28, 2021 • Chad Allen

Questions: 1. In your life, what pleasures do you turn to for comfort? 2. Read James 4:1-5. What happens when something or someone gets in the way of your pleasure?  3. Read James 4:5-10. How can you personally replace worship of pleasure with the worship of Christ? 4. How can we rightly balance enjoying the pleasures God gives us with worshipping Christ? 5. What is God teaching you through this sermon? Where is He convicting you to change?

Pride is Not My King (2-14-21)

February 14, 2021 • Ernie Jaurique

Questions: 1. What is pride? How would you define it? 2. Why do you think pride is at the center of idolatry? Explain. 3. Why is it so hard to put God above ourselves? Explain. 4. In what ways do you struggle with pride? How can you put Christ first instead? 5. What is God teaching you through this sermon? Where is He convicting you to change?