

March 27, 2016 • Dr. Danny Lovett

He is risen! He is risen indeed! This Easter Sunday we will look at the word of Triumph from the cross.

The sun which has refused to shine, comes out from behind the clouds. Abraham, the Old Testament saints, and all the angels of heaven watch with expectation to witness God’s promised day of redemption. For those of us who have lived since the cross, we look back to it as the most significant and important day in the history of the world. Here in the final minutes of His life, we hear Jesus proclaim “It is finished”. The task is done. The Lamb has been sacrificed. The sin debt is paid. Matthew says he cried with a loud voice (Matthew 27:46). Today we want to loudly proclaim that Jesus has paid the price, our redemption is bought. Come to Jesus and receive His gift of salvation.