
Running on Fumes

November 8, 2015 • Dr. Danny Lovett

We all like happy endings to our stories and books. Chapter three of Jonah ends with repentance, mercy, and spiritual victory in Nineveh. God wins. But the book doesn't end there, chapter four deals with anger and jealousy, despair, discouragement, and depression. Though the book does not end the way we would like, we can be thankful it doesn't end with the third chapter. We would miss the vital lessons God still has for us to learn. The record of Jonah's weaknesses underscores the fact that the Bible is a divine book. Don't miss Sunday's message about Jonah Running on Fumes.

Stinkin Thinkin

November 22, 2015 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Jonah has been running on empty and has lost the will to live. If he can't get his own way, he would rather die. Jonah has spoken what is on his mind and now God has a few things to say to him. By word and deed, God will try to bring Jonah to his senses. It seems that Jonah has a bad case of Stinkin' Thinkin'. He has a rotten attitude that renders him useless in God's service. The same thing can happen to us if we are not careful. Don't miss this challenging ending to the book of Jonah as we learn from Jonah's mistakes.

Turning back to God

November 1, 2015 • Dr. Danny Lovett

The writer of Hebrews reminds us in chapter 3 that when we hear God's voice, we should respond "Today" and not put it off until tomorrow. Promptness is one of the great attitudes of obedience. Immediate obedience is an important key to growing spiritually and keeps us from being detoured in our walk with God. God is primarily interested in our response to His Word, not with how many things we can do to impress men. This Sunday we will look at how we can respond to God's word when we are called to be obedient to Him.

The God of 2nd Chances

October 25, 2015 • Dr. Danny Lovett

The God of Second Chances. This week in our study about Jonah, we are reminded that God is a merciful God. Jonah's detour of disobedience is about to end. God is preparing Jonah to return to the course of blessing, usefulness, effectiveness, and service, if Jonah is willing. Can you relate to Jonah? You may have messed up, and think God can't use you again. But that is Satan's great lie! God is the faithful potter who can remake the clay again in a shape that pleases him. We just have to stay on the potter's wheel and let Him mold us. Jonah was used again in a great way, even after he had disobeyed God and tried to run away from God. Remember, God is a God of the Second Chance. Don't miss this life changing truth, this Sunday at CCW. God has a great plan for your life!