
When Life falls apart

The best is yet to come

October 6, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Difficult situations in life cause immediate and emotional responses, to which we often react impulsively without thinking. If we would but remember who God is and rehearse what he has done for us in the past, we would find ourselves rejoicing in spite of trials. Psalm 16 reminds us that God’s blessings are deeper than our difficulties. This Sunday we will see The Best Is Yet To Come.

Triumphing in the midst of trouble

September 29, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Whoever said that ”God plus anyone equals a majority” had their math right. You can be completely alone, totally surrounded by negative circumstances, but still find protection and refuge in God. Retreating into God means victory, not surrender. This Sunday we will see King David’s prescription for triumphing in the midst of trouble. Prepare your heart for this message by reading and meditating on Psalm 46. God is our refuge and strength!

My Wit's end

September 22, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Because we never know where any day’s journey will lead, we don’t know where we’ll end up. Often the end of our road is that undesirable abode know as “Wits End” a place of frustration and confusion. Fortunately, we discover God has arrived ahead of us. If we could ever get the perspective in our spiritual life, that God can protect us from giant falls, we would have much more confidence in trusting Him with the small challenges that occur every day. Psalm 107 gives us that confidence in trusting Him and the resulting encouragement to trust God with the falls we experience in life.

Praying in times of Discouragement

September 15, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Many people struggle throughout their lives because they cannot master their emotions. Unquestionably, feelings are a powerful things, and all of us struggle with them to one degree or another. Loneliness is one of the most powerful emotions we can experience. Devastating life events like the death of a love one, loss of employment, failure of business, a debilitating or terminal illness, being slandered or falsely accused, divorced, or any number of other crushing situations can cause us to feel that our family friends, and especially God, have abandoned us. Looking through the blurred lens of loneliness, it appears that no one cares about us. This Sunday we see how David prayed in times of loneliness and discouragement while running from King Saul. Prepare for this week's message by reading Psalm 142.

Life's Ups and Downs

September 8, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Sometimes we can’t make sense out of life. Things happen that we don’t understand, or we don’t plan on, and we respond at times in ways we wish we hadn’t. Yesterday we were on the peak, today we are in the valley, and tomorrow we be on the plain. Some people can’t handle the changes, but David, in Psalm 31, helps us to make sense out of life’s roller coaster. Join us this Sunday as we take a closer look at Psalm 31 and learn how David handled the ups and downs of life.

How to prosper in desert places

September 1, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

On the map of every person’s life there is a wilderness place or maybe even several such places. Survival is what we think of first when we think of desert places. Not prospering, not rejoicing, just surviving. David took a different approach and blossomed spiritually in his desert places. This Sunday we will look at How to Prosper in Desert Places from Psalm 63.

How do you Worship?

August 25, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Often our desire for worshiping the Lord is tied to how we feel about life. If life is good, we worship readily; if life is hard, we don’t. But worship should not be tied to circumstances. Worship should be a constant for the Christian regardless of the direction life takes. This Sunday we will look at Psalm 138 at how we worship the Lord in times of trouble.

What should I do when God delays

August 18, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Most of us have been in a place like David was at some time in our life. Perhaps there is a long-standing health problem or financial situation that appears to have no solution. Maybe there is a personal relationship that places a constant source of strain on your life, or difficult work-related situation. Or maybe you have a wayward child for whom you have been praying for years. Whatever the cause, many Christians find themselves living in David's shoes, asking, “How Long O Lord?” You look for some sign of God’s approaching deliverance; but day after day, you feel you are battling your enemy alone. This Sunday we will be looking at Psalm 13.

The Place to look for help when in trouble

August 11, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

If you have not already discovered it, you will find that the path of your life is rarely straight, smooth, and level. Instead, it tends to be bumpy with tall hills and deep valleys. We live in the twilight zone of up or down, in or out, faith or doubt, fear or courage, strong or weak, bursting or broke, happy or sad, healthy or sick, smart or not so smart, generous or selfish. We flow up and down in all these areas each day. How do we get some sense of stability in our life? How do we get to the point where we are not overwhelmed by the obstacles we face each day? How does a person look higher than the hills? Psalm 121 gives us some answers.

When Life's Dark times come

August 4, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

It has been well said, ”Never doubt in darkness what God has revealed in the light.” When Christians go through difficult times in life, they often forget who they are and who God is. The secret to surviving dark days is focusing on the light of God’s truth. This Sunday we will be looking at Psalm 71 about life’s dark times and how to respond to them.

Our Disruptive moments in life

July 28, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

This Sunday we will be looking at how life’s troubles can make us stronger. Most people go through life trying to avoid pain. We use money, medicine, and any other method to protect ourselves. Scripture teaches the opposite. While we aren’t to seek trouble or trials, when they find us, we should look for the hidden lessons and blessings.