
A Season to Celebrate

God's Unspeakable Gift

December 23, 2018 • Dr. Danny Lovett

The title of the message this Sunday is “God’s Unspeakable Gift” from II Corinthians 9:15. This verse contains both Thanksgiving and Christmas in its eight short words. It begins with Thanksgiving when Paul says “Thanks be unto God”. It ends with Christmas when Paul speaks of “His unspeakable gift”. This verse is about giving thanks to God for His gifts to us. The word unspeakable means “indescribable”. When Paul speaks of the gift God gave us, he's talking about the gift of His Son, Jesus. Paul basically says “Jesus is a gift so good, so great, so wonderful that He can’t really be described.” Together, we will unwrap our present from God to see what we possess when we have Jesus as our “Unspeakable Gift”.

True reason of Christmas

December 16, 2018 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Let’s face it, the Christmas season is loved by many and hated by just as many. This is supposed to be the one time in the year when the world remembers the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, so why all the strong aversion? I truly enjoy Christmas, but I just want you to be aware that there are some terrible misconceptions surrounding the true meaning of the season. The world, and some in the church, think that Christmas is all about money, commercialism and greed. Others see it as a time for parties, meals and gatherings. Many children only know Christmas as a time for Santa, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and other imaginary tales. As a result, some children have no idea what the true meaning of Christmas is. This Sunday we’ll set the record straight and will investigate the True Reason for our Christmas celebrations.

The Crisis of Christmas

December 9, 2018 • Dr. Danny Lovett

When the angel Gabriel came to Mary, he told her to name the child Jesus (Luke 1:31). It is a name we know well. It was the name of one of the greatest heroes in the history of Israel. Joshua is the Hebrew name, and Jesus is the Greek name. They both mean the same thing, ”Jehovah Is Salvation.” This Sunday we will examine that beautiful name. This name demands a decision, all of us must choose to bow or rebel. The title of the message this Sunday is The Crisis Of Christmas. Either you will receive Him or reject him.

Give gifts to the family

December 2, 2018 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Every Christmas season we face the same question: What should I get for my family members? However, when it comes to our selecting gifts for our brothers and sisters in God’s family, the Lord has made the decision process quite easy. In fact, He has eliminated it altogether, for He has provided us with a divinely approved gift list in I Thessalonians 5:12-21. This Sunday, as we examine the gifts in this passage, let’s bear in mind that God’s desire is that we give these gifts to one another as members of one another. By doing so, we will make life in His family a little piece of heaven on earth!