Matthew 25:35

Loving Christ

February 16, 2024 • Pastor Josh Lewis • Matthew 25:35

Has there ever been a time when someone thanked you for something you did, but it sort of caught you off guard? You didn't expect or need a thank you from them. You were just doing what came naturally to you. Doing whatever was needed in the moment without thinking about it. That is the heart of generosity that Christ is describing here. The person Jesus talks about in this passage wasn't serving to receive glory. They didn't even realize the full impact of their generosity--that by serving from a pure heart, they were serving Christ with all that they did. Ask God to reveal to you an opportunity that you can serve Him by serving those in need around you.

PASSAGE: Matthew 25:35 - "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me."

PAUSE: At the end of the age, Jesus will reward those who loved others well. When we as believers love those in prison, those who are hungry or thirsty, or those in need of clothing and shelter, we express our love for Christ. As you pause for one final time this week, ask yourself this question: are you loving Christ by loving those struggling the most with life? If not, why not?

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, grant me an opportunity this next week to love the broken and hurting. Grant me a heart of compassion and care for others!