Matthew 27:45

Darkness Overall

March 20, 2024 • Pastor Mike Fanning • Matthew 27:45

This darkness was from noon to 3 pm. One ancient scholar points out that 3 pm was when the Jews of Jesus’ day offered their daily sacrifice. On this day God was offering His own sacrifice, once and for all, for the sins of the whole world! We make little of our sins. We call them mistakes. We blame others. We minimize their impact. But sin is our utter rebellion against God. It is the spirit and energy in each of us that shakes our fist against God and says to God, “I do not want to serve you, I want to serve myself!” This high-handed rebellion against God must be judged by our holy God! But because of His love, God poured out His judgment against our sin upon His own Son on the cross. The darkness that occurred in that moment, for those 3 hours, was a supernatural act of God, displaying His displeasure and judgment upon humanity for crucifying His Son. 

PASSAGE: Matthew 27:45 - "From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land."

PAUSE: Have you paused this Lent and taken the time to consider the pain, the agony, the heartache, the torture, the loneliness, the blood, the darkness, and the overwhelming suffering of the crucifixion? The penalty for our sins is dark. 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, today, I grieve your pain and suffering. Help me realize the gravity of my sins and your suffering to save my soul.