
Matthew 1:23


December 26, 2023 • Pastor Mike Fanning • Matthew 1:23

Immanuel = “God with us!” Not God against us, which is what many of perceive God to be. God as the angry judge. Not God away from us. God as far off and unknowable. Not God without us. God as too holy to be near sinful humans. But God with us! Meaning Jesus left heaven and came to earth and became fully human and died in our place in order to be with us! And in order that we could be with Him!

Friend, this Christmas remember that God is WITH you and FOR you and IN you! That His heart toward you is love. And then draw near to Him and trust Him and follow Him with all your heart!

PASSAGE: Matthew 1:23 - "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”—which means, “God with us.” (From Isaiah 7:14)

PAUSE: Christmas reminds us that God desires to dwell with us! Jesus not only saves us from our sins, but he also comes alongside us. Jesus walked among His people, today the Holy Spirit indwells us as believers. May we never forget that God loves us so much, that He desires to be with us 24/7 as His children.   

PRAYER: Father, remind me of your presence today. Forgive me for the times that I forget that You are right here with me. I choose to dwell with You today.