

9:15 AM Service

January 3, 2016

What is Snap Chat?
Does my 3 year-old need their own iPad?
Does every 5th grader have a Smart Phone?

"I built a fence for our first house. It was a protection for our three small children. It kept them in and kept the neighbor's dog out. Technology has expanded the world way beyond the backyard. Teens and even children have access to both wonderful information, entertainment and ways to communicate with family and friends. But, the world also has access to them. There is a reason it is called the "world wide web." A smart phone, iPad or computer connects our kids to the world and the world to our kids." - Pastor Rick Hawks

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January 3, 2016

What is Snap Chat? Does my 3 year-old need their own iPad? Does every 5th grader have a Smart Phone? "I built a fence for our first house. It was a protection for our three small children. It kept them in and kept the neighbor's dog out. Technology has expanded the world way beyond the backyard. Teens and even children have access to both wonderful information, entertainment and ways to communicate with family and friends. But, the world also has access to them. There is a reason it is called the "world wide web." A smart phone, iPad or computer connects our kids to the world and the world to our kids." - Pastor Rick Hawks