
Matthew 1:21

The Messiah

December 25, 2023 • Pastor Mike Fanning • Matthew 1:21

Focusing on Christmas without taking into account the rest of the Jesus story is like reading the first few pages of a really good book but never taking the time to finish it, to see how it ends! The angel’s words to Mary before Jesus’ birth reveals the whole purpose for His coming! Namely, “to save his people from their sins!” The bottom line is that we cannot separate the cradle from the cross! All the problems in this world, and in your life, can be traced back to sin. Jesus entered this world to forgive our sins, give us victory over our sins, and give us an eternal home free from sin. That’s the meaning of Christmas!  

PASSAGE: Matthew 1:21 - "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

PAUSE: Today we rejoice in a Savior who saves us from our sins. Our Heavenly Father sent us His only Son to deliver us from our sins. Jesus (Joshua – Hebrew) means “Yahweh (the Lord) saves.” Take an extra pause this Christmas morning to worship Jesus as the long-awaited Savior, who saves us from all our sins!  

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus. I embrace Jesus as my Savior. I confess my sins and my unworthiness and rejoice in the forgiveness of sins.  

Luke 2:14

December 29, 2023 • Pastor Josh Lewis • Luke 2:14

Have you ever had some news that was so good that you couldn’t help but tell everyone you saw? You were so overjoyed you were basically singing the news to everyone! I remember this feeling when we were expecting our first child. I couldn’t help from sharing with friends, neighbors, even the cashier at the grocery. When Jesus was born, a multitude of angels appeared to the shepherds announcing Jesus’ birth and singing praises to God! May we remember all year long just how special that news is, and every day continue to sing His praises and give glory to God! PASSAGE: Luke 2:14 - "Glory to God in the highest,   and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" PAUSE: Celebrating Jesus as the Savior of the world is not just for Christmas, God desires that we worship Him 24/7. As you prepare your hearts for the new year and our weekend services, set aside a few moments and glorify God! PRAYER: Heavenly Father, be glorified in my life and my church. Create in me a clean heart that is hungry and thirsty to worship and to glorify You!    

Luke 1:32-33

December 28, 2023 • Pastor Josh Lewis • Luke 1:32–33

When I think of a king, I typically think of power and prestige—royalty of a higher class than the people. But Jesus came in the most unlikely way. He humbled himself leaving the glory of Heaven to become a weak and fragile baby. He was not born in a royal castle. Not even in a house. This king was born in a stable. What an incredible show of love for the king of kings to enter this world in such a way to relate to us and to save us! PASSAGE: Luke 1:32-33 - "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” PAUSE: When Mary received news about baby Jesus, she was told that He would not only be a king but that He would be the king of kings. Jesus is more than a Savior; Jesus is also a king and is coming back soon to establish His kingdom that will reign forever and ever. Let us seek first His kingdom today. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Your kingdom come, and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Today, I come seeking Your will be done in my life! 

Matthew 2:10

December 27, 2023 • Pastor Mike Fanning • Matthew 2:10

Life in this fallen world is brutally hard. And trying to navigate it without the God of love so often feels hopeless and joyless. The best we can shoot for without God are a few moments of circumstantial happiness in between the chaos of various trials. Without God the old bumper sticker is true: “Life stinks and then you die!” But life with God in this fallen world changes everything! It does not mean that life gets easier or that trials still don’t come. But the God of love is there with you overseeing the events of your life, transforming you to be more like Jesus in the way you live and love others. And in that reality we can experience the joy of the Lord no matter what circumstances or trials we are going through.  PASSAGE: Matthew 2:10 - "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed." PAUSE: The wise men rejoiced exceedingly with great joy! Is there a greater joy than knowing Jesus? As you pause in the middle of another week, meditate on what brings you great joy! Hopefully, it is Jesus, if not, let us consider finding our hope and joy in Christ Jesus and not in this world. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want the joy of the wise men.  I confess that too many times I look to other places for joy, today, I seek You and You only.