
Possessing an Honest Heart

December 18, 2022 • Phil Bubar • Luke 2:1–20

Everything we do is tied in with business in some way …energy, manufacturing, textile, etc. And I would assume we all want honesty in business. So who is the most dishonest business person? We have to wait and see what happens to Mr. Sam Bankman Fried, as he has not yet been found guilty of anything. We go back to 2009 and look at Bernie Madoff, being found guilty of defrauding 4,800 clients of $65 billion. In contrast to him, I would uphold Mr. James Cash (JC) Penny, who forever changed the way retail business would operate. However there is one area of greater importance where honesty needs to be seen, and that’s what we’ll see in our study of Luke 2, looking at the honesty of the Shepherds.