
Light It Up!

Relationship With Our Community

February 3, 2019 • Ryan Oddo

Last week we looked at some of the fears we have in “sending the wrong message” or “minimizing sin.” Jesus was able to show perfect love to the sinful, ungodly, & and even antagonistic- staring with us! This week we look at two more barriers that can keep us from building bridges of relationship with our community. They are not as much fear-based as they are perspective-based. They deal with some of the fundamental beliefs about the church’s purpose. If we don’t resolve them they will present a formidable barrier.

Relationship With Our Community

January 27, 2019 • Ryan Oddo

Are all people equally valuable? The Bible declares that all humans have been made in the image and likeness of God, male & female. Our value is intrinsic coming from our Creator.

Relationship With Each Other

January 20, 2019 • Ryan Oddo

Jesus promised that the way we loved each other would distinguish his followers from the world, meaning they would SHINE.

Relationship With God

January 13, 2019 • Ryan Oddo

In every relationship there can be drift. We need to regular renew them. Sometimes it feels like we’ve drifted so far we can’t get back, but that’s not true! There’s a way back!

Secret Sauce

January 6, 2019 • Ryan Oddo

What is the secret sauce of the church -- that thing that sets us apart? In this message, Pastor Ryan discusses what sets us apart to shine in a dark, broken, rebellious, hurting world and makes us attractive to them.