
Part 3: Confidently Centered in God's Love

June 7, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Continuing our series looking at the eight Kingdom Competencies we believe are essential for every follower of Jesus to heart "well done" one day at the judgement seat of Christ, we look at what it means to stand confident in our identities as God's beloved. What does it mean for us to know that our value and worth doesn't come from our accomplishments but from His active and undying love for us.

More from #unphased

Part 8: Pursuing God's Calling

July 26, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

The culmination of the #unphased series looks at what it means to live in context of eternity. There are constant worldly pressures to live for immediate gratification, the good job, the big house. But the way of Jesus demands that we set aside our idea of what 'the good life' is and turn to God for His plan and purposes for our life. Living for eternity means discovering the specific call God has on our individual lives and pursuing that calling with our every fiber.

Part 7: Fearlessly Generous

July 19, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Competency number seven on our list of eight competencies that we believe every follower of Jesus needs to develop in their pursuit of a Godly life is living a life that is fearlessly generous. What does it look like for you to trust God completely with your finances? What does it mean to know that He is our shepherd and because of Him we shall not want? What does it mean for you to be fearlessly generous?

Part 6: Cultivate Healthy Relationships

July 12, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Pastor Ryan picks up our survey through the eight competencies that we believe every follower of Jesus must develop to bridge the gap between who they are and who they are created to be. Competency number six deals with how we engage each other in love, and what Jesus' love looked like in a practical sense.