

Joy To The World

December 9, 2018 • Ryan Oddo

This week our Christmas Carol is Joy To The World. Joy is a positive emotion that flows from a revelation, experience, or truth. In this message we talk about how to have Joy in every season.


December 23, 2018 • Ryan Oddo

In this last message in our Christmas series we look at Peace. How can we have peace with God and others? And what is our part in striving for it and what is God's part?


December 16, 2018 • Ryan Oddo

At Christmas we celebrate the great gift of God’s love for us. His love for us compelled him to come and make a way for us to know him and be with him forever. The Father sent His Son into the world, in order that the world would be saved through him. Before Jesus went to cross for our sin & rose again for our redemption, he taught his disciples how to love one another. Christmas celebrates a great demonstration of God’s love for mankind!


December 2, 2018 • Ryan Oddo

The Hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel is a song of hope. It begins with Israel’s dark & desperate season of hope for Emmanuel and it leads to everyone’s hope for the reign of the Righteous King. The hope we have affects the way we live today.