
The Power of a Teachable Life

Father's Day 2018

June 17, 2018 • Ryan Oddo

Every dad loves a good teachable moment! A lesson in responsibility, integrity, consequence for actions, hard work, perseverance.

Don’t undersell the power of a teachable life. A teachable life trumps a teachable moment any day.

It’s easy to overestimate what you can accomplish in 30 minutes and underestimate what you can accomplish in 30 years!

We can have a tendency to beat ourselves up over missed opportunities. We can have a tendency wear ourselves down trying to make sure we don’t.

But the real impact of a father is born out of the example of their life. What a father pursues in life will impact his children more than the things they tell them.

Your life speaks more than your words. Fathers have tremendous influence in their kids’ lives. That God-given influence may feel like it diminishes over time as other voices speak into their ears and culture tells you you’re irrelevant but don’t buy it! Your influence is not like any other.