
Part 1: The Promise of Power

February 7, 2021 • Ryan Oddo

We can choose to go about our lives as is. We can choose to just try and be a good person and act kindly and live our lives in our own strength. But Jesus told us that it would be better for us if He went away for a very specific reason. That reason was the promise that His Holy Spirit would come and give us the power to live supernatural lives. We don't have to live this life in our own strength because He has offered His. The question is this: Do you want and are you ready for the God of the universe to fill you and help you live the life He is calling you to?

Part 3: The Power to Witness 2

February 21, 2021 • Ryan Oddo

Followers of Jesus are called to tell people about Jesus. The question is, "Are you somebody worth listening to?" Is there anything about your life that is enticing, that makes someone want what you have? Do you have anything to share? Do you share with conviction? The Lord helps us to grow in our ability to share His love and character as we continue to earnestly seek after Him and follow His ways. The key there is that we need His ways to share who He is in an effective and credible way.

Part 2: The Power to Witness 1

February 14, 2021 • Ryan Oddo

Jesus called His followers to proclaim His coming "to Jerusalem, Judea, and the ends of the earth." What does that mean for us now? What is our Jerusalem and Judea? And how are we supposed to reach people? The answer is simple: empowered. We don't have to do it alone, but with the help of the Holy Spirit we can be witnesses of the character and majesty of God to our community, country, and globe.