
Part 2: Hope for Salvation

December 6, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Salvation means more than just getting into heaven. Salvation is about healing and restoration in all things. Pastor Ryan looks at the Christmas story from Joseph's perspective and what it means to find salvation for relationships, destinies, and even nations in need of healing and hope.

Part 4: Hope for The Searching

December 20, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

We wrap up our Christmas Hope series with a message about the Wise Men of the East. The faith that they demonstrated is difficult at times to picture, but when we do it's even more difficult to grab hold of. We see them brought face-to-face with the Christ Child through their active pursuit and trust in the Word of God. The question for us this Christmas, in the midst of struggle, is will we choose to pursue Jesus and trust in the promises of God?

Part 3: Hope for Sharing Christ

December 13, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Sometimes simply talking to someone about Jesus can be the most intimidating thing. Whether it's feeling like it won't matter, we don't know enough, or our standards of success aren't helpful we shy away from sharing the Good News about Jesus with those around us. Jesus told us not to hide our light. We have the cure for the disease of sin and hope for a hopeless world. His name is Jesus. Let's shout it from the mountains!

Part 1: Hope for the Surrendered

November 29, 2020 • Cami Wittwer

How is your hope? Do you feel like you're rooted to the person of Jesus, or is hopelessness and despair getting the better of you this year? It needs no further mentioning that 2020 has been a trying year. Still, as Christmas approaches we're reminded that divine hope came to this earth over two millennia ago. Hope has a name and His name is "Jesus".