Day 11

My Story - Kim Wilson

1 John 4:9-10

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. [10] This is real love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

The day I decided to follow Jesus was the first day I truly believed someone loved me. By that time in my life, 25, I had already formed a worldview of what love was. It was a distorted view that I formed through the experiences I had up to that point. I got my first bible and soon realized that what I called love and what God calls love were polar opposites.

The world had taught me:

If you love me, then you’ll do it.

If you want it, take it and shove them out of your way.

If you are a woman, you give yourself away to truly be loved.

If you’re young, older people take advantage of you and you don’t tell or something worse may happen.

If you’re in pain, kill it with alcohol and drugs

You are a doll that gets abused and thrown to the side.

No one loves you because you’re too ugly to love.

Why are you alive anyway?

God doesn’t love you, he hates you.

God is love, and He taught me:

I want relationship with you. A real one. You’ve been lied to, tricked into believing I hate you or that I’m distant, unknowable. Not so! In fact I love you so much, I’m sending my only Son to help you. He isn’t afraid of your mess, in fact he welcomes it. He’s the only one who can handle it. He’ll take your pile of shame, pain, loneliness, self-doubt, abuse and hatred. He’ll take it all and with one drop of his blood it will all be gone. I will see you as I see him, spotless.

The love of God changed the trajectory of my life forever. I don’t view the world or myself as before. I traded my view for his view and he wants EVERYONE to come to repentance, through Jesus' death and resurrection. 

Let’s pray: Lord, you loved us first. Thank you for expressing your love for us through your Son Jesus Christ. Help us express your love to those who don’t yet know you by telling them about Jesus, Amen.