
Day 14

My Story - Lindsay Phillips

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭51‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭

”Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.“

What does it mean to be steadfast? These verses have been my prayers consistently throughout my life.  One day, I was unsure what I was asking for. Did I really want a steadfast spirit? What does that look like? Did I consider what I was asking God to do within me that would cause steadfastness?

Merriam-Webster defines “steadfast” as “firmly fixed in place : immovable: not subject to change.” 

How do I apply this to my spirit? If I ask God to create a steadfast spirit within me, what will he allow to happen in order for this to take place? 

I am very inconsistent by nature. Please don’t ask why, no one quite knows the reason. I have difficulty with routine and discipline. I prefer spontaneity and last minute plans (to the detriment of my type A husband). I hate schedules and I get bored of the same tasks quickly. So when I learned what it means to be steadfast, my first thought was there is something wrong with me. I also unsure if I could achieve this spirit David speaks of in his cry to God. Then I realized, maybe that is the point. All of us are inconsistent in some ways, because we are human. No matter how planned and managed your life is, there will always be things you cannot control, cannot plan for, even within your own behavior. And maybe that is why we are to seek a steadfast spirit. Not because it is easily achieved in our own will, but because it is mirroring the nature of God. God is steadfast, he is immovable, not subject to change. My prayer is not to simply be steadfast, but to be like Christ. Because in my inconsistencies, He is consistent. Where I fall short, He always comes through. This makes sense as to why we are so inherently drawn to God’s spirit. In a world of constant shifting, changing, and failing, he is always steadfast. 

So as I ask for a steadfast spirit, I do not seek to discipline my self for the goal of perfection. I ask God to make me like Him. That when trouble of this world comes I am unshakable in him. I pray my spirit is steadfast not to mean that I am so consistent I never have issues; but to mean I consistently run to him when I am disappointed, dissatisfied, or crushed. I pray that I am steadfast in seeking Him daily and talking to Him consistently as I do a friend. In this steadfastness, I pray I become more like him and blossom in all the fruits of the Spirit. It is not lost on me that the verse directly after David asks for a steadfast spirit, He cries to stay in Gods presence and with His Holy Spirit. I think David knew God is the only constant we can count on. Apart from Him we cannot hope to live consistent or steady lives.

Let’s pray: God, thank you for your immovable presence in our lives. Thank you that when we are inconsistent, you are our constant. I pray that today you renew a steadfast spirit within us. That we would learn to run to you for our every need. That your mercy would cover over all our mistakes and you would teach us your ways which are higher than ours. We love you, Jesus. Thank you that your mercies are new every day. Amen.