Peter closes out his book by reminding the aliens that there is an enemy that seeks to devour them. He prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to kill, steal, and destroy. However, they are to be of sober spirit, alert, cast their cares on God, and resist Him.
Clothed In Humility
December 1, 2024 • Pastor Jumaine Jo • 1 Peter 5:1–7
The longer an alien remains on earth, the more prone he is to become self-centered, proud, and act independently of God. The key to thriving as a believer is humility. God resists the proud, but pours down grace on the humble.
Attitude In Suffering
November 17, 2024 • Pastor Jumaine Jones • 1 Peter 4:12–19
Unfortunately, there are many in the body of Christ that teaches and believes that Christians shouldn’t have to suffer. Trials and tribulations can be discredited as coming from the enemy. In actuality, God may be allowing trials to strengthen our faith and perseverance. Aliens will be persecuted because of their beliefs. The more antagonistic a society is towards God, the more persecution the church faces. Unfortunately, sometimes religious tolerance does not include Christianity. We must remember that we are called to share in Christ’s sufferings.
Why Are We Still Here?
November 10, 2024 • Pastor Dafnette Jones • 1 Peter 4:1–11, 1 Peter 3:18, 1 Peter 3:22
Many of us have seen people weaponize power and the Scriptures. The response is then to dishonor those in authority. We even dishonor and disrespect each other. Those in authority seek to lord of others. Those under authority seek to rebel and ways to “get over.” Aliens are called to honor those in authority as unto the Lord. Aliens in authority are then called to honor those under their authority.
Seeds, Grass, Milk & Stones
October 20, 2024 • 1 Peter 1:22–25, 1 Peter 2:1–12
When we are rejected, we can begin to question our sense of self-worth. Society and the people around us can view as a liability. Even as we face rejection by men, God declares to aliens that He sees them as precious stones. God desires that we find our sense of worth and identity in Him.
Hope Alive
October 13, 2024 • Pastor Jumaine Jones • 1 Peter 1:1–16
Like those around us, it is easy to place our hope in material things and the affairs around us. Even the present political climate can make us feel discouraged. Peter challenges us to realize that there is more to life that is around us. Our identity must be not in the things we have or the policies we desire. It must be anchored in Jesus Christ. Aliens must remember that they called to a living hope.