
Honor Below

March 6, 2016 • Jumaine Jones

While some may not have a problem honoring those above them, it can be difficult to honor those “below” them. This may include those that are actually lower in rank or individuals who we perceive to be lower than us.

More from Love & Honor

Honoring the Body of Christ

March 20, 2016 • Robert Theodore

As we approach the Easter season, we are reminded of the Jesus redemptive work for us. Jesus not only died for us individually. Jesus died for the body of Christ, of which we are a part. We honor one another by serving one another. Though we may do good to others, Scripture commands that we give greater preference to those of the household of faith.

Honoring Outsiders

March 13, 2016 • Jumaine Jones

Some Christians use unbelievers’ lack of faith to justify dishonoring them. The way we treat unbelievers can impact how they view God. We must be a church that honors those on the outside. As we approach Easter, we must remember a dying world for whom Jesus died.

When Marriage Falls Off of the Honor Roll

February 28, 2016 • James Marshall

To maintain honor in marriage husbands and wives must... 1. Understand and accept the divine order of marriage. 2. Prioritize your character, over your appearance. 3. Use your sensitivity to care for your spouse and your strengths to lighten their load. 4. Treat your spouse like your prayers depend on it.