
Numbers 19

May 17, 2024

What does it mean to be purified? The concept of purification shows up all throughout scripture, in both the Old and New Testaments, and has great application for our lives even today. Hit play and join Scott and Junior in Numbers 19 to unpack this important concept.

You can buy Junior’s book, The Manual: A Practical Guide to Manhood, on Amazon!! If you love Between The Lines, you will love the practical teaching that Junior gives in this book. If you’re a man, married to a man, raising boys, or dating a man, you have to buy this book. It will be life-changing.

Want to read along with the guys? Subscribe for our daily Bridge Reading Plan emails and get the daily text in your inbox every morning.

Today’s Lineup: Numbers 19; Proverbs 17

Numbers 33

May 31, 2024

It’s important to keep our eyes forward…Looking ahead to where God is leading, and to not live in the past. But, it is also important to occasionally reflect, remember, and celebrate what God has done. Hit play and join Scott and Junior in Numbers 33 to take a look back at key moments in Israel’s journey. You can buy Junior’s book, https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0cjz9xsqj/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3ji3f5ey93ypv&keywords=the+manual+junior+ziegler&qid=1695842617&sprefix=the+manual+junior%2caps%2c104&sr=8-2, on Amazon!! If you love Between The Lines, you will love the practical teaching that Junior gives in this book. If you’re a man, married to a man, raising boys, or dating a man, you have to buy this book. It will be life-changing. Want to read along with the guys? https://church.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ea1c28d85a312789048cdaa49&id=03a3eefb87 and get the daily text in your inbox every morning. Today’s Lineup: Numbers 33; Proverbs 31

Numbers 32

May 30, 2024

Has a fear of change every stopped you from stepping into a good thing that comes your way? Join Scott and Junior in Numbers 32 today as they unpack what happens with some of the Israelites as they finally arrive to the Promised Land. You can buy Junior’s book, https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0cjz9xsqj/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3ji3f5ey93ypv&keywords=the+manual+junior+ziegler&qid=1695842617&sprefix=the+manual+junior%2caps%2c104&sr=8-2, on Amazon!! If you love Between The Lines, you will love the practical teaching that Junior gives in this book. If you’re a man, married to a man, raising boys, or dating a man, you have to buy this book. It will be life-changing. Want to read along with the guys? https://church.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ea1c28d85a312789048cdaa49&id=03a3eefb87 and get the daily text in your inbox every morning. Today’s Lineup: Numbers 32; Proverbs 30

Numbers 31

May 29, 2024

In today’s reading, Scott and Junior will unpack a difficult question…Why would God command the Israelite armies to overtake a nation and kill them? Hit play and let’s learn together in Numbers 31. You can buy Junior’s book, https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0cjz9xsqj/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3ji3f5ey93ypv&keywords=the+manual+junior+ziegler&qid=1695842617&sprefix=the+manual+junior%2caps%2c104&sr=8-2, on Amazon!! If you love Between The Lines, you will love the practical teaching that Junior gives in this book. If you’re a man, married to a man, raising boys, or dating a man, you have to buy this book. It will be life-changing. Want to read along with the guys? https://church.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ea1c28d85a312789048cdaa49&id=03a3eefb87 and get the daily text in your inbox every morning. Today’s Lineup: Numbers 31; Proverbs 29