
Workers in the Vineyard

August 6, 2023 • Pastor Phil Burdoin • Matthew 20:1–16

The Parable of the Workers tells the story of a landowner who hires four sets of laborers throughout the course of the day. When the workday is over, all the workers received the same wages. Those who were hired at the beginning of the day were angered that those who were hired late in the day received a full day’s pay. The landowner points out that the early workers were fairly compensated and they’re jealous at the generosity the landowner showed the latecomers. God is the owner and He gets to decide how to give out His grace. 

Workers in the Vineyard

The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids

September 10, 2023 • Pastor Bill West • Matthew 25:1–13

This parable is about the coming of the Bride Groom-Jesus Christ to celebrate His wedding with the church. This is directed to people in the church. There are two groups called out here-those who are ready and those who are not. Those who are wise and those who are foolish. One group has what is needed the other does not. The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids

The Good Samaritan

September 3, 2023 • Shawn Kennedy • Luke 10:30–37

Jesus shocks the lawyer with a parable about a man who is robbed, beaten, and left for dead. A priest and Levite (servant to priests) come by but do not stop to help the man. But then a Samaritan comes along who tends to the man and pays to put him up in an inn until he recovers. We miss the shocking nature of this parable because we don’t understand just how much Jews hated Samaritans. o admit that it was the Samaritan who was a true neighbor to this man and not a fellow Jew would have been hard for the lawyer. The Good Samaritan

The Prodigal Sons

August 27, 2023 • Pastor Bill West • Luke 15:11–32

This is a parable about the heart of God for those who are lost. The Father has two sons: The younger one who rebels and uses the Father’s resources to live as he wishes and it’s not until he loses everything that he comes to his senses and returns to the Father. Then older son stays home and obeys on the outside, but his heart is revealed by his attitude towards the younger brother who returns and is forgiven. The Father loves both the same and both have to decide how they will respond to that love. The Prodigal Son