
The Church Matters

November 27, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burdoin • Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 2:19, Romans 12:9–16

Many people no longer have any respect nor regard for the church, especially here in America and for good reason. The church has often been the source of great pain and suffering to those who are the most in need. But the issue is not with the church, the issue is with those in leadership who have abused their power for selfish gain and brought shame to the name of Christ or who have twisted the true gospel into something Jesus never intended. The issue is not with those who do not believe what we believe, the issue is that they do not believe that we really believe what we say we believe by the way we live. As a result, many believe the church is no longer relevant and no longer trustworthy and should be ignored or simply go away. The Church, as Jesus intends, is the only hope for the real issues that everyone in our world faces.

The Church Matters