
Week 4: God’s Holiness

January 26, 2020

I know this will come as a shock: you’re going to die. When you do, there are going to be people at your house eating those munchie little sandwiches. They are going to talk about you. When they talk about me, I want them to say, by the grace of God, “You know what? He was one of the most loving people I ever met. Oh man, I mean, he had his idiosyncrasies,” and they laugh about those, “but he was full of integrity. Christlike. Cared about people. Generous. Loving. Authentic.” Don’t you want people to say the same thing about you?

That’s not going to happen by trying hard to be a good person. This will happen when you understand who you are in Christ; when you understand the power is in Christ’s resurrection, for you and with you, to walk in newness of life; when you allow leaders to equip you; and when you minister. Ministries are birthed along your gifts and passions when you know the Word, you speak the truth in love, you are connected, and God produces it.

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Week 8: God’s Faithfulness

February 23, 2020

When you have moments where you face your own mortality and you’ve placed your faith in Jesus, what you really want to know is, “Will God come through and save me as He has promised?

Week 7: God’s Love

February 17, 2020

Only God can transform a life. Only by God’s supernatural grace can a life be authentically changed, from the inside out. But He chooses never to do it alone. It’s a joint effort. Transformation, the miracle of life change and everything we’ve talked about, is a joint effort. It’s completely and fully by grace, but we have a part.

Week 6: God’s Justice

February 9, 2020

We will not always understand why specific tragedies occur but what we do know is that when we trust God, He will give us the strength, comfort, and peace we need, and He will bring good from it!