
Jesus our Savior, Jesus our Model

November 25, 2018 • Dave DiDonato

- Profess faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord  

- Proclaim the Good News of Jesus 

- Follow Jesus with every area of your life

Unselfish Life

December 30, 2018 • Dave DiDonato

The Power of Imitation…The Power of Leading by Example Imitate the Pattern of Paul  8 DAYER - Paul was circumcised by his parents on the Jewish eighth day following his birth in strict compliance with God’s OT covenant starting with Abraham (Genesis 17:12). Significantly this meant Paul was not a later convert to Judaism, he was an insider from birth. “of the people of Israel” more exactly “of the RACE OF ISRAEL”. Unlike some Jews, Paul could trace his lineage all the way back to Abraham. Paul was a pure-blooded Israelite. BENJAMINITE – The tribe of Benjamin gave Israel their first king, King Saul. It was the tribe who remained faithful to Judah during the exile period. They were a distinguished tribe and Paul being a Benjaminite radiated insider pride even more. HEBREW OF HEBREWS – Paul was a “Hebrew” and his parents were “Hebrews”. And while many dispersed Jews knew only Greek, Paul’s native language was Hebrew. He also had the best education in Jerusalem under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel. Paul was a highly educated Hebrew insider. PHARISEE – Pharisaism was a lay movement that began when the Jews returned from exile. Pharisee means “separated one.” They distanced themselves from unclean persons and ate only with observant Jews. By the first century they were the most impressive and respected group in Jerusalem. ZEAL – As recorded in Acts, Paul when his name was Saul, led a terror campaign against the early church. Most notably Paul was present at the stoning of Stephen, Acts 8:1 states Paul approved Stephen’s execution. BLAMELESS - Paul doesn’t say he was sinless, but his conduct according to the law was blameless. That’s how Paul’s peers viewed him, righteously blameless according to the law.  Unselfish Priorities Make knowing Jesus your #1 priority  Unselfish Identity Keep your identity rooted in Jesus Unselfish Church Be committed to the body of Christ

Unselfish Model

December 23, 2018 • Ron Moore

Heirs of the Towel “When Jesus said, ‘Do you know what I have done to you?’ he might have added, ‘and do you know who you are, as heirs to the towel?’” Gangel, K. O. (2000). John (Vol. 4, pp. 251–252). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers. 1. Heirs of the Towel are in sync with the Master of the Towel. 2. Heirs of the Towel are willing and ready to move from comfortable places to do uncomfortable things. 3. Heirs of the towel even serve their enemies. 4. Heirs of the towel look for opportunities to serve. 5. Heirs of the towel teach their children to serve. The great tragedy is not mainly [being defeated by sin]. The tragedy is that Satan uses the guilt of these failures to strip you of every radical dream you ever had, or might have, and in its place give you a happy, safe, secure, American life of superficial pleasures until you die in your lakeside rocking chair, wrinkled and useless, leaving a big fat inheritance to your middle-age children to confirm them in their worldliness. That’s the main tragedy. -John Piper, Passion Conference, January 4, 2007

Unselfish Direction

December 16, 2018 • Ron Moore

Are we doing the good works that God prepared for you and placed you on this planet to get done?  1. Ask Him.  2. Read God’s Word daily. 3. Do something. 4. When God shows you the direction—Go for it!