
Psalm 13 – Ghosted? God Never Leaves Us

July 11, 2021 • Ron Moore

Psalm 13 is written by David (the author of 73 of the 150 psalms). While we don’t know the specific context of the psalm, we do know that David is going through a challenging stretch. This psalm teaches us about opening talking to God and trusting him in the deep struggles of life.

Psalm 13:1-2—How Long?

In the first two verses David asks four desperate questions:

How long with you forget me?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I take counsel in my soul…?
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

Psalm 13:3-4—Rescue Me

David shoots straight with God. Without God’s intervention, death is inevitable.

Psalm 13:5-6—Trust

In the middle of his desperate circumstance, David chooses to trust. He places his trust in God’s “steadfast love.” The word translated as “steadfast love” is from the Hebrew word, hesed. Used some 250 times in Scripture, hesed, is a rich word that describes the covenant relationship the believer has with the Heavenly Father.

More Than Words: Praying Through The Bible - formerly called Bible 2020 - is an interactive group that follows along with daily devotionals from Ron Moore focused on the prayers of the Bible. Each day a new devotional is posted and we encourage all members to interact with the group based on the daily reading. Visit biblechapel.org/devo.

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