
Psalm 62 – Stuck on Pause. God is Always Working In Us

August 15, 2021 • Ron Moore • Psalm 62

The Psalms include:
• Lament psalm where the writer cries out to God
• Thanksgiving psalms
• Songs of Ascents (120-134) sung with people who were going up to Jerusalem to worship.
• Praise psalms offering direct praise to God

Psalm 62 – Keeping our focus on God
• Declaration of personal worship (62:1-2)
• David under personal attack (62:3-4)

David’s friend issues:
• Psalm 41:9
• Psalm 55:12-14
• Psalm 55:20-21

• Recommit to focus and surrender (62:5)
• David stakes his deliverance and reputation on his trust in God. (62:7)
• Don’t put your trust in people (62:9)
• Steadfast love (62:11-12)

This looks . . . like justice [rather] than mercy; but if we understand it to mean that God graciously rewards the poor, imperfect works of his people, we see in it a clear display of mercy . . . [We] have a double reason for waiting only upon God. Man neither helps us nor rewards us; God will do both.
Spurgeon, Treasury of David, Vol. 2, 53.

Join us for “Engaging in the Battle” with Tunch Ilkin – this week on The Journey. Visit ronmoore.org to listen.

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