

October 21, 2018 • Ron Moore

1.  LEAVING: Complete loyalty to spouse.

Here are some questions for dating and married couples to consider: 

Are there unhealthy emotional ties to your parents, siblings, and/or friends?
Do arguments occur with regularity over issues dealing with your parents, siblings, and/or friends?
Do you discuss your marriage issues with parents, siblings, and/or friends?

2.  UNITED TO: Commitment.

“United to”

Permanence: Commitment to sticking to the marriage.
Stability: Commitment to the long haul.


Spiritual Oneness: Developing together followers of Jesus. This involves praying together, having devotions together, worshipping together—you need to be worshipping together, serving together.
Physical Oneness: An exclusive fulfilling sexual commitment
Mental Oneness: Focusing your thoughts on your spouse.
Emotional Oneness: Commitment to exclusive feelings.
Missional Oneness: Going the same way at the same time for the same reasons. 


A Sacrificial Love
A Sanctifying Love
A Nourishing Love
A Satisfying Love 


Biblical submission does not mean that the wife is inferior in any way to her husband.
Biblical submission does not mean that a woman loses her identity and becomes a non-person in the marriage. 
Biblical submission does not mean a woman is a passive participant in marriage and family.
Biblical submission is never demanded.
Biblical submission only applies in the marriage relationship.
In marriage and family issues wives are to voluntarily submit themselves to the servant leadership of their husbands.

International Ministry Weekend 2018

November 11, 2018 • Ron Moore

Evangelism—Sharing Jesus to your world. Missions—Sharing Jesus around the world. Missionary = Global Worker Missions = Global Ministry The Bible Chapel’s Global Worker Challenge: Adopt a Global Worker to pray for on a regular basis. 1. PRAYER IS WITHIN OUR DAILY RYTHME. 2. ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT TO DIRECT YOUR CONVERSATION WITH GOD. 3. PRAY REALISTICALLY NOT RITUALISITICLY. Theodorus said of Martin Luther: I overheard him in prayer, but good God, with what life and spirit did he pray! It was with so much reverence, as if he were speaking to God and with so much confidence as if he were speaking to a friend. 4. BE CONSISTENT AND PERSISTENT IN YOUR PRAYERS FOR OTHERS. 5. PRAY.

Parenting (Part 2)

November 4, 2018 • Ron Moore

1.  Pray for your children. Thanksgiving: Children are a gift from the Lord (Ps. 127.3). Thank God everyday for your children, their spouses, your grandchildren.  Wisdom: Pray for spiritual wisdom to make godly decisions.  Know Him better: Ask God to grow them deep in their knowledge and love for Christ. Future Hope: Pray that your children live with eternity in mind. Glorious inheritance: Thank God for the promise of eternity. Pray for children or grandchildren who don’t yet know Jesus. Great power: As God to give them power through the Holy Spirit to live obediently. Strength: Ask the Holy Spirit to provide them strength to resist temptations. Established in love: Pray that they demonstrate a 1 Corinthians 13 love.  Grasp the love of Christ: Pray that they understand who they are in Christ and live in the freedom of the unconditional love of Jesus. 2.  Use this Christmas to begin a time for family devotions. 3.   Help your children determine what to look for and pray for in a friend and future spouse.    4.  Teach your children how to handle responsibility.  And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. -Luke 2:52  God:  Favor with God/Spirit Personal Daily Devotions Attend church weekly—corporate worship, get involved with a Bible Study on campus/dorm Godly habits Read:  Wisdom/Mind Focus on Studies Maintain GPA Get to know professors—ask questions Others: Favor with Man/Heart Considerate of roommates Dating—healthy physical boundaries. Remembers he’s someone’s future husband/wife and you are someone’s future husband/wife. Stay in touch is family Work Out: Stature/Body Rest Exercise Eat Healthy 5.  Be a student of your children and their culture so that you can be the best teacher to your children. 6. Let’s work together to become an unselfie church.

Parenting (Part 1)

October 28, 2018 • Ron Moore

The instruction of God should drive your heart—mind, emotions, and will. The primarily way we teach our children is modeling and mentoring.   Our love for Jesus controls our actions, direction, and the atmosphere of our homes. You cannot impress on you children what you don’t possess.    CHALLENGE: Get serious about developing as a follower of Jesus. The ball is in your court. Pray for your children.