Today we’re continuing our discussion about apparitions, particularly the apparitions of Mary, which have been going on over the centuries and are manifesting themselves around the world at an astounding rate these days. For example, the number of pilgrimages to the alleged visitation sites is staggering: 20-30 million to Medjugorje since 1981. Five million faithful visit Lourdes, France every year. A half million visit the National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes here in the US. Five million travel annually to Poland’s shrine of Our Lady of Jasna Gora. Over a million...
More on Angels, Demons, and Apparitions
December 22, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Today we’re going to discuss apparitions, religious or otherwise, which seem to be capturing the hearts and minds of more and more people these days. Apparitions are ghostlike figures which appear briefly and then disappear, which raises some questions, the most basic one being, “What is a ghost?”
More on UFOs and Apparitions
December 15, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Today we’re following up on our discussion of UFOs, and for those who missed last week’s program, here are some of the points we tried to make: we established that all intelligent life forms must be the product of God’s creation, and that conclusion is based upon logic, probability, true science, and the Bible. All physical beings...
UFOs and Apparitions
December 8, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Tom: Dave, if UFOs are in fact physical vehicles of extraterrestrial space travelers, then they really don’t fit into our general definition of occultism. But the evidence is overwhelming that neither UFOs nor their so-called occupants are physical. Isn’t that the case...
Are You a God-Wannabe?
December 1, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Occult Invasion: The Subtle Seduction of the World and the Church, addresses the subject of God’s created beings desiring to be God. And that’s what we’re going to be discussing today. Dave, I’m sure the idea that mankind has the potential to be God is shocking to some, but it has an overwhelming appeal to a great many others. Now, according to the Bible, desiring to be God was the first sin committed throughout all creation.
Buffing Up Your Spiritual Exercises
November 24, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Now, we’ve covered many of the worldly occult influences of our kids, but last week we pointed out with great concern occult practices which are becoming popular and are being promoted in growing numbers of evangelical churches. Specifically, we’re concerned about the contemplative movement, which is an attempt to revive the prayer exercises and techniques practiced by the Catholic mystics during the Middle Ages.
Kids Are the Primary Targets of the Occult Invasion
November 17, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
If you’re a first time listener, we begin each program by discussing a topic which we think might be of interest to our audience. I intended to discuss Chapter 17 today – the chapter title is “Playing God: The Lust for Power.” But a couple of items were sent to me this week which I think are important to discuss with regard to last week’s topic, which was “The Occult Seduction of Youth.”
Is the Occult Invasion a Sign of the End Times?
November 10, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
This is an update with correct audio for this week.
The Bible is very clear that there will come a time when the entire world will submit to a world leader, one who will be empowered by occult abilities (powers, lying signs and wonders) for the purpose of deceiving the masses and subjecting them to his absolute control. Second Thessalonians 2 and other scriptures lay this out quite clearly. But this doesn’t happen overnight; there has to be some preparation, and that’s what your book addresses.
Is Alcoholism a Disease?
November 3, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
We’re picking up where we left off last week on the topic of 12 Steps, which is the psycho-spiritual approach developed by Bill Wilson of Alcoholics Anonymous in order to help alcoholics overcome their drinking problem. And if you’re interested in the documentation of much of what we’ll be saying, it’s found in Dave Hunt’s book Occult Invasion: The Subtle Seduction of the World and Church.
Are 12-Steps Programs Occultic?
October 27, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Now, Dave, the topic for this program and perhaps for the next one or two is the 12-Steps approach to solving so-called psychological problems such as alcoholism and other drug abuses, codependency, etc. Twelve-steps programs are becoming an established part of church ministry throughout the country, and they’re being praised by leading evangelicals who see them as a blessing to the church. Yet we are including 12 Steps in the realm of the occult. Now, why would we do that? Aren’t we being told that AA has Christian roots?
What's Wrong with Alternative Healthcare?
October 20, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
In other words, as we mentioned already, I think, you would see a triangle – mind, body, spirit – for the sign for holistic medicine. Holistic, “h-o-l” could be spelled “w-h.”, and it sometimes is: whol- it means, “the whole person.” So instead of the doctor or nutritionist or whoever it is dealing just with the body, now they want to get into the whole person, and that includes the soul and the spirit. Well, what qualifications do they have for dealing with that, and what is their basis of truth? The Bible deals with the soul and spirit of man. It deals with his spiritual relationship with God, and the relationship with God is what is important about spirituality.
Is Holistic Medicine Holy?
October 13, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
I want to begin by quoting from USA Weekend: “With one in three Americans turning to alternative healers, a government panel has prescribed a change in doctor’s training. Now more MDs to be are studying cures from herbs to prayer. In 50 of the USA’s 135 medical schools, anatomy and biochemistry are being supplemented with acupuncture, homeopathy, nutrition, massage, and prayer. A panel at the National Institutes of Health recommended all medical and nursing students be exposed to alternative theories and techniques.”
Prescriptions for Perdition
October 6, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Tom: Dave, although it’s condemned in the Bible, nevertheless, contacting spirit beings has been going on since the beginning of human history. Since sheer ignorance on the part of some has opened the door to entities...
Surfing the Spiritual Internet
September 29, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Tom: For those of you who may be first time listeners to the program, for the past few weeks we’ve been discussing Dave Hunt’s book Occult Invasion: The Subtle Seduction of the World and the Church. Now our objective is simple: one way to avoid being seduced is to be informed. And, Dave, while I may not be exactly unbiased...
What About Native and Nature Religions?
September 22, 2017 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon
Tom: Dave, now we’ve mentioned in past programs the rising interest in Shamanism, and I’m surprised, because here it is: we’re a modern society, highly technologized, and you’d expect such beliefs to be rejected as mere superstition. But that’s not the case, especially here in the United States.