
East Bests West!

Apostasy Update # 14

October 9, 2020 • T.A. McMahon with Carl Teichrib

Tom: Welcome to Apostasy Update. I’m T. A. McMahon, and in this program we are addressing biblical eschatology, what the Bible has to say prophetically about the last days prior to the return of Jesus Christ. My partner in this discussion is Carl Teichrib. He’s the author of Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-enchantment.

Carl, welcome back, and thanks for joining me in our ongoing discussions of where the world and Christendom are headed according to the Scriptures as history draws to a close.

Carl: Tom, it’s good to be back with you, and I’m excited to see where this show goes. I think the subject matter is going to wallop a few people.

Tom: I hope that it really ministers, and, well, we’ll see how it goes. “Shake up” would not be a term that I would run away from in this, but whatever it takes for those who certainly have tuned into this. And we want to edify, and we want to give them information perhaps they haven’t had before.

Much of the information that we’ve been presenting in this series is taken from four books: your book, Carl, Game of Gods; America, the Sorcerer’s New Apprentice; Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict; and most importantly, the Bible, which is God’s direct communication to mankind.

Last week, as you alluded to, we may have shocked some of our viewers by stating that America for the most part has turned from traditional Christianity to Eastern mysticism. Now, that would be—that would only be a shock to those who have been in a spiritual coma regarding what’s taking place around them. They have clearly missed what has been hidden in plain sight.

To bring that astounding charge into focus, we went back more than a hundred years ago to the writings of Samuel Andrews, who documented the then-religious beliefs here in America. He noted that the highly regarded philosophers of our day—of his day were nearly all atheists turned pantheists. Their beliefs filtered down through education and the literary crowd, the popular writers of the day, to seminaries, to local churches, and eventually to the men on the streets.