
Will Christ Really Rule for a Thousand Years?

March 19, 2021 • Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon

Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming.  

In this segment, Dave mentions that his biblical understanding of the Battle of Armageddon differs from many of the popular prophecy teachers today. He gives his perspective and touches upon the error of Replacement Theology and the disconcerting fact of the Jews being back in their land in unbelief. 

He also addresses the Millennial Reign of Jesus as he rules over the entire world from Jerusalem, in addition to believers ruling with Him, and how the heart of the humans born during the 1,000 years of Christ’s rule refuse to turn to Him for salvation. Those topics and more are just ahead.