7 truths of an effective leader :: The Lead Course
James 1:19, Luke 9:23, Hebrews 10:36, 2 Corinthians 5:17
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7 truths of an effective leader ::
1. Embrace Change.
You can't grow and stay the same. Change is a must.
As a Christian leader think about this verse :: II Corinthians 5:17
2. Be a Learner.
Every leader is learner. Who are you learning from today?
As a Christian leader think about this verse :: James 1:19
3. Overdeliver.
Strong leaders over deliver and do more than they are asked to do.
As a Christian leader think about this verse :: Luke 9:23
4. Be Patient.
Strong leaders have the ability to wait patiently as they work diligently.
As a Christian leader think about this verse :: Hebrews 10:36
5. Practice.
Get better with your skill. Work on your craft daily. Practice will never really make perfect, but without practice you will never get better.
As a Christian leader think about this verse :: Romans 10:9
6. You're Made by Love (God). You're made to Love.
The goal of every great leader is love. You can grow a great organization if love is the goal of your growth.
As a Christian leader think about this verse :: I John 4:8
7. Never Go Alone.
Leaders make other leaders. Leaders are made stronger with the partnership of others.
As a Christian leader think about this verse :: Hebrews 10:25